Happy Halloween!!

Black Dog: "You even THINK about laughing, I'm taking your leg off at the knee!"
White Dog: "I am SO embarrassed................."
Hat tip to Orac Knows....
There won't be much blogging going on until probably tomorrow night, since KeeWee and I are off in the morning to the Blogger Blastorama breakfast, then to the CWSA range for the Blastorama itself.
Does your PC breakdown and give you grief? It might be because you’re a wimp.
Here's a couple of links to some good IPSC reports, complete with photos and videos.
A lawyer was reading out the will of a rich man to those mentioned in it:
This month’s handgun match is a real challenge, as it's relatively easy to do fairly well ,but REALLY tough to max the score.
Air Force Squawks
Blogging will be a little light Saturday as KeeWee and I are off to one of the last pin shoots of the year. I'll be trying out the new C-More red dot sight for the first time in competition. I'm sure the sight will do fine, but I'm not so sure about the operator. I'll have a report up for you either Saturday night or on Sunday.
The Carnival of Cordite #35 is now up over at Gullyborg's place, otherwise known as Resistance is Futile!
I few days ago I was one of the first to post about Sgt. Ron Long and his blog "They Call Us, "DOC", regarding the "staged" interview with the president.
Here's an email that I got today, along with my reply:For the entire post on Sgt. Long's blog, click here.
Mr. Long -
I am 100% against the Iraq war but I have always been pro-military.
1) Do you believe the Iraqi people want us there?
2) Do you truly think they're better off now than they were 3 years ago?
3) In the absence of a specific threat to the US, did we have any right to invade Iraq, more than Saddam had a right to invade Kuwait?
4) Are the insurgents really "terrorists", or are they Iraqis defending their own country from a foreign invasion?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. It's ridiculous to tell us that you're behind US but you're not behind our mission or the job that we're doing. What good is that to us? It's NOTHING to me.
1) Yes...Just ask them (oh...you're not here, that's right)
2) Yes...Just look around (oh...you're not here, I forgot)
3) Not even worthy of answering since you're wrong about the specific threat
4) Yes...Just speak to the insurgents and you'll see that many are not Iraqi (silly me...I keep forgetting that you're not here and that you must rely on the MSM for daily dose of informational bull)
(And if you were here, seeing what we see and hearing the stories from the Iraqi people like we do, you might see the light also)
posted by SGT Ron Long | 21:36
Remember the Abbott and Costello routine "Who's on first?" Someone has written a script of what it would sound like today if Abbott and Costello tried to buy a computer over the telephone. It's so well done, and so funny, you can almost hear their voices as you read it.
Here's a video clip from Compfused.com that pretty clearly illustrates why Osama might just never be found!
Grampa Pinhead has decided that he is unable to quit blogging without professional help, even though he tried to quit a couple of weeks ago.
And we would like to invite any and all who would like to join us to do so.
This will be a BYOPumpkins event and we will have the use of an up to 50yd pistol range and an up to 200yd rifle range available for the shooting of pumpkins. After the pumpkins have all been turned to goo, we will also have the Bowling Pin range available to us for some friendly blasting of bowling pins.
I will also be bringing a couple of rifles, including Barak the Boomershoot rifle, and a whole box of pool cue chalks for folks to try their hand at pounding clay. I only have a finite supply of ammo for Barak though, so I will have to limit the number of rounds per shooter depending on attendance. If you want some extended time with Barak and the cue chalk, let me know and we’ll discuss the best ammo for success.
Of course, all of my firearms will be available to shoot as I suspect will be the case for Mr. Completely and most other folks in attendance.
Here is the pretty squared away schedule of events:
We’ll be meeting for breakfast at 1000 at ‘The Clover Patch’ on the island
At 1130 we’ll be leaving for the range (arriving there around noon)
After arriving at the range we’ll shoot until either we run out of ammo, we run out of pumpkins and pins, it gets dark or our trigger fingers give out, which ever comes first.
It can be safely assumed that the last two are probably going to be the most likely.
Now, since Whidbey Island is only accessible from the south via ferry boat, we/you/us may want to consider carpooling to save some scrilla.
If you have any questions about the goings on, car pooling or where to buy cheap pumpkins, please contact me or Mr. Completely.
In fact, just so that we know how many folks are coming, please contact one of us if you would like to join in the fun.
The directions are easy enough from the CWSA website, but there is a signing in/signing out issue to deal with.
The first disclaimer: There is no jacketed ammo allowed on the Pin Range. Hollowpoints, lead and coated lead projectiles are OK, but no jacketed ammo (bouncebacks suck).
The real disclaimer: This is by no means an event sponsored or sanctioned by either myself, Mr. Completely or the CWSA. This is just a couple of guys getting together for some fun and inviting our extend group of pals to join us. If you screw up and hurt yourself, consider yourself an official dumbass because none of us will be or can be held liable for it. I don’t know how far away the nearest emergency room is, but Whidbey is a pretty rural community and I suspect that unless it is just a grazing wound, you’ll be pretty screwed and I’m not above a burial at sea off the side of a ferry boat.
If you are unsafe with your handling firearms, you will be warned to the point of public shaming on your first offense. If you stick around for your second offense you will earn a chance to be disarmed and shamed by me. If you don’t get the hint from your firearm sticking out of your ass and leave quietly and at your own volition, living burial at sea may follow. There will be no exceptions made on the issue of firearms safety. I’d kick my own mother off a range for being unsafe.
Posted by AnalogKid at October 18, 2005 02:14 PM
Actually, there’s a hospital only a couple of miles away, but it’s simpler just to shoot the idiots and toss their bodies over the berm.
At least, that’s what we usually do……
……Mr. C.
Jerry The Geek at Cogito Ergo Geek has posted some really good video clips of IPSC matches.
Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.
This was passed on to me from another pumpkin and I liked this enough to send it to all the pumpkins in my patch.
The Black Death
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. I present to you your targets for the month of October.
Yeah, you’re hating me already, right?
You can find them in the easier to print PDF form here (thanks to Mr. C for the conversion):
Target 1
Target 2
The targets are made to be printed out onto 8.5×11 inch paper and each square should measure close to, if not exactly, the number of inches listed in the center of each square.
The Task is simple: Put one round through each black square.
Here are the limitations:
You may shoot this at any distance, with any firearm you prefer, with or without optics. I will accept all entries, but as with September’s match, I will need at least three entries to designate a competing class (take two friends to the range with you, you shoot and they shoot and we magically have a new competing class).
There will be also be a distance award for whomever can ace this target at the longest distance.
Each box is worth 10 points for a total of 100 points. If you ace this target at one distance, please move it back and try it there. This is a test, after all.
Ties will be determined on the nearness of hits to the center of mass of each box.
I do not need you to send me pictures of your targets unless there is a tie.
Though I doubt it will help anyone, you may shoot this as many times as you like. I have found that repeated tries at targets of this fashion lead only to multiplied frustration. I am not responsible for any hair you rip out.
Your targets are due by midnight, November 7th, 2005.
Due to my aversion to waiting for a shooting bench this last weekend before general hunting season, I have not shot this target yet. That will be remedied this upcoming weekend and I will post my targets here next Monday the 17th for all to see (and possibly deride and laugh at), so check in for that.
Yes, I have borrowed the design and the name of my target from what I believe was a small bore silhouette target. What with Halloween coming up and all this scare talk about the eminent avian flu epidemic going around, I found it quite appropriate.
If you have any further questions about the task or the target, please feel free to email me at the address listed in the sidebar.
Thank you and good luck folks!
I don't claim to be an expert on this, and my optics experience and terminology comes from photography and physics, rather than the gun world, so my terminology may not be the same as everyone elses. In fact, not everyone in the gun world seems to agree on exactly what certain terms mean, either.
The MSM has been making a big deal about a "Staged Interview" between President Bush and some Army troops.
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