More on the Jennings J-22

There have been some questions regarding the Jennings J-22 semi-automatic pistol to be used next Sunday at the Blogger Blastorama. This is a picture of the exact one that will be used when Rivrdog and Mr. Completely duel it out!
The Jennings special model which we will be using is a custom competition limited model called the "DISG", which stands for
It's often heard at the range, when I show up with the Jennings "Are you planning to shoot that DISG RACE gun today? If so, I'm outta here."
It's reputation alone strikes fear in the hearts of other shooters.....
You should mount a 30mm propoint on your DISG. That thing is so awesome I think a slide mount would work perfectly. ;)
I believe you have it wrong, sir. DISG
is 'hood talk (ebonics) for "Dis Gun", which confirms my suspicion of the origin of that weapon. As I said before, I suspect that you got the gun when some gangsta dropped it in your yard while fleeing from the po-leece.
Since it is a gangsta gun, it is improperly equipped for a duel, which is probably why it has been tumbling the bullets it fires.
The weapon is designed to fire gangsta-style, held sideways with the shooting hand across the shooter's chest. It will probably fire correctly when shot in this style.
You may refer to my blog where I have done you the service of providing the name of a fine gunsmithy who alters the sights of a handgun to fit gangsta style shooting.
However, those scars you see on the faces of the gangstas aren't just from juvenile acne, many of them come from ejected hulls striking the face and neatly punching out little round holes in the skin, so prepare to be ugly for the rest of your life, having chosen this weapon.
Will KeeWee mind if your rugged good looks give way to just rugged looks?
Only time will tell. Stay tuned for "The rest of the soap opera", playing Sunday at a range near you.
on the j-22 i just recently bought one. It looks the one in the picture so how can i find out on if it is a disg model and how far can i break the gun down if you might know. i broke it down to where all that was left was the lower reciever and and trigger
The DISG RACE model is Indistinguishable from the regular ones......
......Mr. C.
its there any laser sight for the j 22 available on the market. ley me know my mail
I just purchased the jennings j22 for 45 bucks at the pawn shop, i thought ok im an avid gun collector constantly looking to have more guns, to proudly display, i took the j22 down to the pond and squeezed a few rounds in the pond!!! FOR 45 bucks and no problems yet it did all i could as fire!!!
Is this really a goo weapon to own?
I own a Jennings J22 and enjoy the heck out of it... It shoots straight, and has proven to be a fairly reliable gun. If you are trying to compare this to a colt or S&W then you need to re-think your snobbish ways. It is a good cheap gun, it is cheap to shoot, and would work as a conceal and carry weapon for self defense. It's funny to see all of the gun snobs dog these guns... Somehow the bad press is related to a boy being shot by a Bryco pistol. If you are looking for a fun cheap plinking gun or something for self defense pick one up and have fun with it. Some of us average folks cannot afford a $500.00 Glock....
i have a j22 and it will not load or discharge a bullet when fired and will also not fire with the clip in how can i solve this?
ANON: You would probably be best off by getting a better pistol. There are a lot of choices for small pistols that are far more reliable.
..... Mr. C.
i got this one for free and would like to fix it and sell it and eventually get some type of 9mm so what do you think could be wrong with it?
my j-22 was made by a company called calwestco. It appears to be a far superior version of J-22's made in the past. What do you think bout that?
I've never seen a calwestco J-22, but if they successfully resolved the reliability issues, that'd be great!
.... Mr. C.
i have a j 22 and the action wont work correctly and i cant figure out how to take the gun apart. It will load one shell and fire and then load another and not fire. I was wandering if you had any tips.
Sean: to disassemble, push in the thing on the back of the slide with a screwdriver or small punch, then lift the slide up and rearward to get it off.
For a lot more info put JENNINGS in the blog search box up at the top left of the page and you will bring up a bunch of older posts regarding Jennings. Read through the comments for a lot of good feedback.
..... Mr. C.
Need new firing pin for Jennings J-22. Any suggestions has a firing pin for 5 bucks, and these fine artillery peices fire almost regularly with cci minimags
I need several parts for a J22 if anyone has one broken and would part it out please email me at.
I've been trying to do a little research for my grandfather who just calls the gun his little saturday night special. its a j-22 as described that has the jennings firearms markings on the side as well as a made by calwestco on it. also has the same problem with jamming on the second round sean seemed to suffer from. The diffrence between my gramps weapon and the one pictured however was a diffrence in the saftey mechanism. its a flat tab thats in an indented part of the lower reciver/hand grip, and I can't get it to function while the clips out. this normal?
My name is Andy. My mother-n-law was given a CALWESTCO, Jennings Firearms, INC. J-22 by her son. She brought it over yesterday so she could shoot it for the first time. I don't know where it came from, but I am pretty sure that she got it because of the problems it has. I have noticed that the magazine does not support the rounds propperly and the first 2 rounds jam by hitting the bottom of the feeder's slide, the last 2 jam by hitting the roof of the chamber, and the only fun you get for the trouble is the third and fourth rounds which feed properly.
I also discovered that it won't fire the first or second rounds once you get them into the chamber.
I had been contimplating filing the plastic part in the clip that supports the rounds until I noticed that the first 2 rounds are already pointing downward to far to begin with.
As to the posting about Grandpa's gun, this CALWESTCO is the same as the picture at the top of this page. The safety is a flat piece of metal under the slide, in a grove in the left side grip, and will work with or without the clip installed.
I just now made a new discovery about this little jewel. If the safety is on it won't cock. I expected it not to fire of course, but I have never had a weapon of any make or type that would not cock with the safety on.
As to shooting it... When it did fire, it was great. We were shooting from 50 yards at a bale of cardboard 2' X 1 1/2' on the ground and hit the center 8" or so every time without getting serious.
It makes a great plinker anyway.
Just a quick update on the MnL's J-22. We picked up some Remington Viper 22s earlier this week. They have a stepped style bullet and are "hi velocity" rounds. I don't know if it was the shape of the bullet or the "h.v." part, but it made that little p.o.s. fire every round without fail.
Now I can't wait for warmer weather so I can see if it will shoot strait.
So in short....cock it with the safety off, use tapered bullets, and don't go cheap on the ammo.
are you people crazy? This is the most God terrible gun one can buy. Just ask me i own one. It looks kinda cool and i got it when i was 14 for $30 bucks from an old man in a shit car. Don't ask long story. The gun i got may be one of the best j-22 out there. well taken care of and sexy looking and it still cant fire more then 2 rounds without a jam. Its the Jamming J-22.
just bought j-22 went to range put 50 rounds through it no problems at all. even rapid fired it still no problem. and man it cost less to shoot than the model 96 beretta or the xd 45
What manufacturer of ammo do you reccomend? I tried to load winchester hollow points and federal bird shot, neither round would chamber. Any ideas?
CCI Mini Mag or Velocitor
I don't know if you have any of the original materials with your J-22, but as far as I know my uncle's has all of his unfired J-22. Handwritten on the side of the box with the model and serial number is HH110-10. The address of CalWestCo, Inc is/was 4510 Carter Court, Chino, California 91710, 1-714-591-3921. If failure to feed or eject problems persist, the factory recommends using Remington Hi Velocity or C.C.I. Stingers or another round with slightly bigger, and from what I can remember I think it was charge but it could have been bullet weight.
i also have a j-22, it is a awsome little gun, although if i use winchester hollow points, it will jam up every once in a while. the reason why is that the flatter nose of the hollow point gets hung on the end of the clip, if i use round noses, it does not jam up. i recomend stingers or vipers. something with a more rounded or pointed tip!!
Hi there guys
i,m looking for j22 mag clip
if u have spare one let me know
WANTED one or two
j22 magazine clip
by theway i done some modifications
on mine so now works better
je recherche un chargeur pour un j22 Jennings by Calwestco model J22 zzcal longrifle sa fais environ 2 semaine que je cherche le chargeur si quelqun ses ou en trouver ou en a a vendre sa serais apressier! merci!
I have a j22 that I've owned for something like 20 years now. Been firing C.C.I.s in it because after testing several different rounds I found this to be the only one that would pierce a 55gal. oil drum at about 25 yards. Mine will jam once in awhile but I can shoot the wings off a fly with it at 20 yards. For the price I paid, this is a great little pocket pistol. Especially after you file the sear down to make it full auto LOL. I just wish I could find a higher capicity clip for it.
i need a takedown button & a firing pin spring for a calwestco jennings j22 can anyone help me. enail me at thankyou
i ment when it does extract the bullet it wont load the other bullet right it jams half way please help
the best place to buy gun parts is the parts are great quailty and cheap price but my j-22 jams alot well ever time i am still workin on it i used winchester,feds., both hollow point an that does not seem to work i here people talk about mini mags but the gun says j-22 long rifle whats up with that the clip is not made for short bullets but i would like for some body that has my problem but knows or has solved this problem i've replaced springs an the exstracter it still jams or does not load the bullet right
Try a high velocity hollow point and see if you have any better luck. Seems to make a huge difference. Good luck
Had a lot of fun reading this blog but had to through out some info. I also have a Jennings J22 in the "Silver Box" addition. LOL This is an extremely reliable gun "IF" maintained properly. By properly I mean every 3 to 4 mags, disassemble the fire arm, clean thoroughly, lubricate and reassemble. .22 LR is the dirtiest ammunition on the market and will nasty up your little hand cannon with much haste. Keep it clean fellows and it'll perform. Coming from a proud owner of a Jennings J22 "Silver Box" addition, Jennings ?? .380 looks just like it but bigger, Sig Sauer p229 in .357 sig, Sig Sauer p239 in 9mm.
purchased my j22 in 1985 have had just a few jamups in 26yrs it will give me pinpoint accuracy from 15-40yds using federal copper plated hollow points, i fire at least a brick a month in my basement. good for squirrels, rabbits,even a few wild pigs i only kill what i will eat, for the 55.00 i paid it is outstanding.. if yall are having problems check your ammo the price you pay for these guns should allow you to purchase good ammo.. good luck and shoot too kill!!
Can you please email me a place where I can buy an extra magazine for my J-22?
Thank you.
Jennings isn't a bad gun just finicky have to clean it after EVERY use, and use quality ammo. I got mine from a very frustrated man at a range for free because he didn't know how to get it to cycle properly. He threw it on the counter and said he was done. I took it home cleaned it thoroghly and it works like it was new. For the record it had a small burr on the feed ramp keeping the round from extracting.
MdDs gun repair carrier all jennings parts they are factory parts and all are new
Can it shoot 22 short bullets
Just take to gun shop it's prob just the firing pin they will fix it for you charge a lil$but not bad
Do any of you j22 owners shoot bird shot in your Jennings? I'm trying to rid my farm of English sparrows and they're wise to my rifle.
I don't think so. I wouldn't try it.
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