Grendel P-10 .380 Semi-Auto Pistol

The Grendel P-10 is an interesting little pistol, and it has some very unique features. One of the first things you will notice is that for how small it is, it packs a lot of ammo, carrying 10 plus one in the chamber.
To get this capacity, the magazine is non-removeable. To load the built-in magazine, you lock the slide back and push the rounds in from the top, like some rifles.
The Grendel is quite small and light, not much bigger than a lot of .22 caliber handguns, but it packs a lot more punch with the .380 hollow points.
The Grendel is double action only, and using a very light weight high velocity hammer and firing pin, carrying a round in the chamber is not a safety issue.
The trigger pull is fairly stiff, and a relatively long travel, so it's not going to fire until you make the effort to pull the trigger all the way back to actually get it to fire.
Carrying it with the chamber empty is even safer I suppose, but the purpose of the Grendel is to be able to get a shot off on very short notice and at very close range, possibly even one-handed.
Absolutely perfect situational awareness might keep you from ever being that rushed, but maybe not, you just never know when things might go bad very quickly, and with little warning.
There are two levels of disassembly for the Grendel, basic field stripping, which is really easy, and full tear-down, which is almost impossible to reassemble. (I'm not kidding, do not disassemble it beyond the field stripping stage, or you will probably regret it!)
Basic field stripping the Grendel P-10 is very straight forward. Pull the slide part way back until you can see the pin through the small hole in the side of the slide. Push the pin out with a punch, or even a paper clip. It's not tight, it should slip right out. With the pin out, the slide will go forward, and can be lifted off of the frame. Lift out the guide rod and spring. You can then lift the barrel out of the slide. That's it!
To re-assemble, drop in the barrel, put in the guide rod and spring, and slip the slide onto the frame. Push the slide rearward until the holes line up and push the pin back in. Be sure the pin goes through the hole in the bottom of the barrel as well as the holes in the frame.
The reviews on the Grendel have been mixed, with a number of people having failure to feed or failure to eject problems. With a handgun as small and as light as this one, I can see that "limp-wristing" could certainly cause some feeding problems.
I polished the feed ramp and all of the internal sliding areas of the Grendel shown, and have little to no problems at all. Perhaps I just got lucky and picked ammo that the Grendel likes, but it's worked OK for me.
Shooting the Grendel provided me no surprises, except that for me it was more accurate that I expected. At ten feet keeping them all in a 4 or 5 inch group wasn't hard at all, and that's shooting it double action.
In summary, the Grendel is a handgun intended as a backup, or as a carry gun when the size of a more suitable sized weapon is out of the question.
A .380 is certainly a light-weight compared to a .40 or a .45, but it's also a lot better than a .22 or a .25 for stopping power.
It definitely beats having no gun at all, and having eleven rounds available is not such a bad idea either.
Did some reading on these. Interesting gun, can't find it's weight listed anywhere.
Two reviewers said that it smokestacked on the last round, and one said he went through 3 sets of trigger groups.
I'm generally not impressed with the .380 shot from short-barreled guns, as it is too low on speed to open up a hollow-point bullet. I would be interested to see what some M/V's are with the HP ammo you carry, and maybe some velocities at 10 or 25 feet.
I think the minimum barrel for a .380 should be 4" for this reason.
I put it on a postal scale and it weighs 14 1/2 Oz. empty.
Hmmm. It weighs 2.5 oz more than my S&W Model 360. Advantage: Snubby.
It carries 6 more rounds. Advantage: Grendel.
.380 vs. .357 Magnum? Snubby again.
I'll stick with my flame-throwing J-frame, thanks... ;)
Rivrdog: The Grendel has a 3" barrel, which I forgot to mention in the review.
Jay G: Absolutely no doubt the 360 is a great choice. With the Scandium frame it certainly is light and powerful. With the steel frame 360 there is no weight advantage.
As a pocket gun, the exposed hammer might be a little more prone to snag on things when getting it out, however.
The 360 is also a whole bunch easier to disassemble and thoroughly clean. The 360 is probably more reliable, too.
An excellent condition S&W 360 with the Scandium frame is going to run you around $600 used.
A Grendel P-10 in Excellent condition will cost around $125. A new Kel-Tec .380, the latest in the Grendel evolution, is around $260 new.
........Mr. C.
Pretty cool, Mr. C.
Good info.
In his first 007 book, Ian Fleming used two full pages (fine print) explaining why our hero carried a Walther PPK in .380.
We know he could take out the entire engine compartment of a Mercedes limo at 75 yds - one shot
- and while in the middle of a double forward somersault. Well, maybe not quite, but I went out and bought one on the basis of Flemings well thought out analysis.
It is now Mrs. Fuze's bedside protection - and akafuze always hollers upstairs before entering.
No doubt the flame-throwing 357 has more power, but how quick can you get off a second shot? Also, I recall one story (from quite a few years ago) about a over/under 357 derringer in an Arab country where the taxi driver took the "victum" to a deserted area where the accomplice opened the door & climbed in brandishing a large knife. The first shot missed at across-the-seat range, but set the robes on fire. The taxi driver rapidly departed, and the accomplice was distracted by trying to put out the fire, so the "victum" jumped in front & drove off! Maybe there is an advantage to a large muzzle blast!!!
I've not looked at a Grendel in a long while. I'm amazed at how much it looks like a KelTec P3AT. It would be interesting to do a shootout between those two!
I traded an old bow for one a few years ago, I love it. Light, compact. Never jams and fits fully concealed in my hip pocket. Any info on takedown or schematics availability would be great!
Speaking as one who did attempt a detail disassembly of the Grendel - DO NOT DO IT! I'm still looking for someone who might be able to re-assemble my bag o' parts. Is there an accomplished Grendel fan out there?
In his first 007 book, Ian Fleming used two full pages (fine print) explaining why our hero carried a Walther PPK in .380.
I thought Bond's PPK was in .32 ACP (7.65mm), which replaced his .25 Beretta.
looking for a clip fpr a grendel 380 p-10.
I am looking for a "Hammer Spring" for mine. I love it as a Back-up but my wife took it for her own. Please let me know if anyone has a spring available.
For re-assembly after having stripped the Grendel too far, see;
i am looking for a fast loading clip for my .380 randy
I picked up one of these remarkable little pistols for a song recently. Having fired a box or two thru this pistol I found it to be a reliable feeder. Grouping was fair at short distances.
In my opinion, this is a great belly gun. It will conceal better than a revolver because it is flat. In a bad situation with a hooligan it is quick to employ. Double-action and hammerless is a plus at short distances and panicky situations. No snags on your clothing. Stick it against the bay guy’s sternum and let her rip. Quick double tap. But if you are more than 10 yards away you better be a primo pistolero.
I have a P-10 with the Owner's Manual. Anyone wanting a copy, let me know. There are 14 pages (4 1/4X6 inch). The last page is the parts breakdown. I also would like to find a speed loader and a few M-16 stripper clips. Perhaps a trade for the owner's manual?
I have a Grendel P-10 with all the goodies, grip extension, stripper clips, book and soft case. Never fired. Still in mint condition. I'm looking to sell it. Email me for pictures if interested. Nice little back up weapon.
to guyvstewart: I recently purchased a Grendel P-10 and I would very much like to get an Owner's Manual for it. Please email me at if you still have one. Thanks
I have scaned my Grendel P-10 Manual into my computer. If anyone would like a copy, send my your email address and I'll get them out.
Be advised that these files are quite large. For printing double sided pamphlet form, there are 8 13meg files. For printing each page there are 14 2.5meg files.
My email address for Grendel Manual ONLY is:
I have the P-10 manual in PDF format now.
i am looking for a Grendel P-10 owners manual, could you please e- mail me a copy ?
could you please send a copy of the p-10 manual to me also. thanks
Could I please request a copy of the P-10 manual also? Thank you.
How much is a P-10 worth these days? I've got one that has had 50 rounds thru it. It was a factory replacement for the original from which the rails just fell off. This one has an improved barrel and shot without flaw. I cleaned it put it away and would have to hunt for it now.
BTW if your looking for a clip for loading, it uses the same one as the M-16/Ar-15 mag loader. Very common.
To, I sent you an email regarding the p-10 you wanted to sell. Must have ended up in spam, if you even got it. Please email me if you still have the P-10 and are looking to sell it. I'm also looking for the manual if someone still had the pdf for it. My email is
I have been away for awhile, so if you didn't get your P-10 manual, write me again and I will get it out to you.
I'm still looking for a manual too.
If anyone has a manual please email me at russ.n.63(at) with the word MANUAL in the subject line.
Thank you.
My Grendel P-10 has no resistance when I pull the trigger, so I'm thinking either the trigger mechanism or maybe firing pin is broken. So I brought it to the gun shop, but my repair guy said "He disassembled it and reassembled it with no luck at all" If anyone has the PDF Format of the Grendel P-10 please let me know, I wanna keep this baby to show my son one day and maybe let him squeeze off a few rounds also. My email address is
I have a P-10 and love it! I too am looking for a stripper clip, and PDF manual. E-mail me the manual, and where I can find a stripper clip. At stores when I ask for a M-16, I get sideways looks.
If the M-16/AR-15 stripper clips work, they have them at . I bought a pack for my AR and they work fine for that. What you get is 100 for $9.97. Here's a direct link to the strippers -
I bought my P-10 years ago, shot it once, and the extractor flew away, never to be seen again. I had Grendel send me another one, it too disappeared after one shot. The little beast still functions, by pure blow-back I suppose, but it is a hassle to unload it. I burried it in a hole out in the desert with ten rounds of ammo as a last-ditch weapon. Live and learn, you get what you pay for.
I sure hope that P-10 is sealed real well and has some kind of moisture protection, or you might fine nothing but a rusted chunk of metal if you ever go back after it. Don't think I would want to relay on something buried out in the desert. As I remember,(lived in the desert for about 20 years), it's not all the dry out there, and things tend to not be worth much after they have been exposed to the elements.
It's well protected from the elements, no worry there. It's just a cheap little pistol, but it's still a firearm and gets all the respect due any firearm. I do check on it now and then, just to make sure everything is as it should be. But since purchasing the P-10, I've restricted my firearms purchases to quality weapons.
I glad to here you keep an eye on that P-10. You’re also right about quality weapons. Most P-10s are a POS. I've heard from a few saying that they love theirs, never had a misfire, work perfect every time, etc, but when the majority of owners are saying they wasted their money, I tend to go along with them. I have one and have never been able to fire a full magazine without a jam. I keep mine at home loaded with 2 in the magazine and 1 in the pipe. I figure I can stop them dead or delay anyone long enough with 3 rounds to get some real protection.
For all you Grendel owners, here is a site I found that has parts for the P-10 and P-12. I'm not endorsing this site, just posting it, as I know nothing about it other than it is offering parts and repairs for the Grendel.
Since the mag isn't removeable, how does on go about getting the 11th round in the chamber to achieve 10+1?
It’s kind of tricky. Once you have the mag full, you slid one in the pipe, hold the one in the mag down and release the slide, making sure it doesn’t engage the next round. Or, you can just go with 10, one in the pipe and 9 in the mag. It’s alot easier, and if you can’t stop em with 10, one more probably won’t do you much good anyway. A speed loader makes loading a snap.
do you have a price for a new one
A new Grendel or a new speed loader?
I don't think you can find a new Grendel, and speed loaders are like hens teeth. The only thing I could suggest is to keep doing a google search on "Speed Loader P10-043".
I'd like to find a "Threaded Barrel with Muzzle Brake P10-011".
Or maybe I'll just sell my Grendel with everything.
You won't find a new Grendel, but the Kel-Tec is basically the same gun, but with some improvements, like a removable magazine.
.... Mr. C.
I have two P-10,s that I bought new ,and funtion fired . I havent shot them since ,I have the manuals ,stripper clips,and the boxes they came in.they are in as new condition. Id like to sell them both. If interested :
i have a grendel p-10,i,m looking for the extension stock or any grip that fits,you can reach me at ,name is tony
I bought a p 10 when they first came out. It has always been reliable, and accurate for me with hollow pointe or not. I added a custom made wooden wedge shaped finger catch at the bottom of the grip. That helped control the gun durring recoil. I also added a rubber O-ring to the trigger where it meets the frame to keep the trigger from going any further forward than necessary. [big help getting my fat finger onto the trigger]. And yes I did disassemble the darn thing to see what could be done about the heavy trigger pull. I released the spring one revolution, and the pull is much more managable. On rare occasions the striker will not ignite the primer on the first hit, but always does on the second. I can live with that for now as reassembly sucks. My concieved fix is to add some weight to the striker. This may be a future project when the time, and desire to do so presents itself. For now I am heavily involved in making new accessories for the mini-14, and 30 to add to my "Har-Bar" accuriser. Any one interested can check it out at This user friendly device has been proven to instantly cut your groups in half, or better with no modification to the rifle itself.
I just got a almost new P10,,,looks unused. Do not dry fire this gun!,,,it will mess up the firing pin or spring. The P12 has a mag you can remove. I had one on my ankle for 6 yrs as an officer.Looking for a grip extension,,,devildogdad06@gmail
I have one of these I bought many years ago for use as a backup or off duty piece. We had to do a full PPC qualification with anything we carried as a back up weapon. This little gun although wasn't up to the scores I could shoot with my Combat Commander .38 Super, it was still an easy qual. I still carry it and shoot it regularly and find it very reliable.
I owned a P-10 back in 1990 and it was stolen during my divorce. I would love to find another one. Any suggestions?
If anyone is in need of the manual, feel free to write me at, for a copy in .pdf format.
I own a P-10 that is in cherry shape. Have the original box,manual,and a vinyl case.It has had one clip fired thru it. I would like to find a grip extender kit? Does anyone know what the gun is worth? Thanks.
I am looking for a good used P-10 for my girlfriend to have for security. I like how compact and light they are. Even if someone has one they cant re-assemble.
My 23 year old daughter just inherited my Grendel P-10 from the ex-wife. She was down from the city today for lessons in disassembly and reassembly. Plus a little time putting a few rounds of ball through it. It shot very well and she did great with it. Sure wish I had another one. Hadn't seen it in about 15 years. It is what I bought it for, a nice light weight, compact high capacity little pistol that is fun to shoot and suitable for concealed carry.
i have owned my 380 for 2 years now and have went throug numerous ronds hundreds actually ad ave jammed twice in 2 years nuthinn i couldnt quickl fix myself. deffinately love it
I have a Grendel P-10, and it works find. The problem is unloading it. I have tilt the gun to the right, to make sure the extractor grabs the cartridge rim. Any ideas? It's done that since I purchased it in 1991.
Have you guys seen the (new, in 2008),.380 LCP from Ruger? it is an improvement on the improvement mentioned, and production is starting to catch up with demand. So why worry about finding a Grendel, unless you gotta have 10 rounds to feel good.
Howdy you all, I always liked that little p10 but my hammer spring broke, I looked everywhere for a replacement, does anyone have one or do you have a parts gun 4 sale I can buy. thanks eggman
oh you can email at
According to Wikipedia, Swedish engineer George Kellgren designed the Grendel 10 and now owns Kel Tec, and is the designer of the Kel Tec PTA3.380. That seems to explain why the guns are similar in design and appearance
Since you say the 3 inch barrel is not long enough to get the .380 up to speed, just what is the speed of a .380 hollow point coming out of a 3" barrel? Also what is the "test barrel length for the published specs on .380 ammo? Does anyone know of an adequate HP round for self defense in a .380"mouse" gun?
Well your right about mr Kellgren the sad thing is trying to find parts esp. the hammer springs If any of you out there wants to part with a good hammer spring I will buy it for my p10, eggman
i owned a P10 back in the mid '90s,
was a great little shooter until the plastic feed lips on the all plastic, removeable (i had one of the originals) magazine got sloppy & began spitting out an un-fired round with each spent shell casing.
had i been able to find a mag that had metal feed lips, i would still have the gun to this day....
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Well someone decided they liked my Grendel P10 .380 Auto better than me and took it from my center console of my truck.I bought this gun used but it had never been fired and is approximately 20 years old so there was some sentimental value there even though it is not worth very much.
It was stolen in Ocala Florida and the serial has been entered in the National Crimes Database. The S/N is 08422. I really hope I get it back. :(
The man who made grendal is the same man who makes kel tec thats why they look similar. Look up George Kellgren hes the maker of both. btw its a great gun.
My Grendel P10 was the worst, most unreliable gun I ever bought.
Would not extract most of the time and when it did, it wouldn't feed.
Effectively a single shot, no matter what ammo.
Sent it back to the factory which did nothing to help.
Its why I will buy nothing from the successor company kel tec. I still have it because I could not in good conscience sell the worthless POS.
Aloha;I have a P-12 that I have had for years,the 12 rd mag works best with 9rds ,no jams,the gun likes silver tips,it is what it is ,a small 10 shot pistol,and it is better than a 22.
I bought a new Grendel P12 in 1995 from a friend for $100. I took the gun to the range and it failed to feed every round in the magazine. It failed to extract about half the rounds in the magazine. This gun will get you killed if you tried to use it. I threw the POS in a river.
I am looking for parts for the Grendel P10. I need a slide pin and possibly a slide with firing pin. Does anyone know where I can get these part or perhaps an old one that no one uses or a parts only gun? You can email me at
nesecito un martillo de una pistola 22 magnum grendel de 30 tiros rockedge fabricada en f.l. u.s.a
send me copy of grendel p10 3801cal manual. ""
I have one for sale. IT SHOOTS! gemer84@yahoo should you be interested.
I Would Love To Have The Manual For The Grendel p10 Thanks Alot If You Can Do This Please
I Would Love To Have The Manual For The Grendel p10 Thanks Alot If You Can Do This Please
Does anyone know where I can purchase speed loader adapter and stripper clips for the Grendel P-10 .380 handgun? It has a internal magazine which is very hard to load without the stripper clip and the adapter. Please Help.
The owners manual can be downloaded for FREE at
Parts and repair service for the Grendel P10 or 12 is available from
PLEASE I NEED HELP I was trying to clean my 380. Kel tec I took out the slide pin and the slide was stuck so and idk why I did this but I pulled the trigger and now the hammer is stuck under the firing g pin please help this is my family's only denfense
Help I was cleaning my 380. Kel tec and took out the slide pin and the slide was stuck so I pulled the trigger idk I did this but the hammer got stuck under the firing pin what can I do
I've seen a gunsmith listed in New Jersey does work on P10s and P12s. Seems like from info on site, he is knowledgeable and pretty reasonably priced. His info is: Jersey Small Arms Gunsmithing
Check this site, might be helpful.
I need grips or have a parts only gun
I have a used Grendel p10 and the trigger doesn't engage the hammer unless held at more than a 90° angle . I put in 1 round and pulled the trigger at more than 90° SEVERAL TIMES even completely upside-down and no bang. when I Emptied it and inspected the bullet I found that THE PRIMER WAS HIT dead center . What's going on here? The round was a random round i had and was sitting in my drawer for 6 + months . Is the round bad? Or what
You might want to check the firing pin. Sounds like yours might be broken. If you dry fire a Grendel p10, it can break the pin.
I would also suspect the hammer spring. I bought a "parts gun" P-10 and it was mostly complete but the hammer spring was so mushy soft it barely dented the primers. Karma: I think I bought back one I sold 2 years ago that stopped firing Russian ammo for an aging spring. Now I have this one, plus last month traded for another 80% P12 (no trigger group frame, mostly same gun minus mag set up). Still have the old hammer spring if someone knows a GOOD way to re-temper one.
Hi I'm looking for the frame for my p10 the polymer cracked right behind the trigger guard and I'd like to get a new one to fix the little gun
You got away with that for far to long. It was a walther pp .32
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