Blogger-Buy-A-Gun-Anniversary ( BBAGA )

Jerry the Geek at Cogito Ergo Geek has now reached his first year blogging "Blogiversary", so you might want to stop by and extend best wishes.
Having given the "Blog Anniversary" issue some thought, it seems like some sort of commemoration is in order.
With that in mind I am proposing a Gunblogger National Holiday and Commemorative "Buy a Gun" day.
However, where most national holidays are on one certain day each year, BBAGA will be on a different day for each gunblogger, your blog anniversary!
Whereas gunbloggers work hard all year long to provide all the latest gun news, RKBA updates, gun pic's, range reports, and gun reviews, and
Whereas gunbloggers do their best to get to the range as often as possible, empty as much brass as possible, shoot as many different guns as possible, and come up with as many creative excuses for sloppy shooting as possible,
Let it be proclaimed far and wide that from this day onward, each gunblogger's yearly anniversary shall be known as
Blogger-Buy-A-Gun-Anniversary (BBAGA)
and shall be noted, celebrated, and commemorated in the following manner:
1. Go buy that gun you've been wanting.
2. Buy a goodly supply of ammunition for your BBAGA celebration.
3. Buy as many accessories for your new gun as your wallet, and/or the trunk of your car will allow.
4. Take the day off from work.***
5. Go to the range
6. Shoot up all the ammunition.
7. Buy more ammo on the way home.
8. Post a report with pictures.
9. Congratulate yourself on a job well done. You deserve it.
***NOTE: If there is any question at work taking the day off, tell them either that Mr. Completely said it was OK, or that the voices in your head told you to take the day off and go buy a gun. That should work.......
Let's see, that gives me a little under 5 months to save up for that gun I've been wanting. The only choice is which wish-gun to put at the top of that long list.
Spread the word, Mr. C....
Maybe we need a sidebar logo? Any of you good at that sort of thing?
......Mr. C.
I could probably whip something out, once I get to my home computer tonight and Photoshop. What do you want it to look like?
Graphic design is definitely not my strong point! I'd thing it should have a gun on it (duh!), maybe some red, white, and blue, since we live where we have the freedom to BUY guns?
Let's throw it open for suggestions? What should the sidebar graphic look like?
If we get more than one sent in I'll post them and we can have a vote, or something?
......Mr. C.
Here's a first effort.
I like that you used the Uberti I bought for myself this spring. Nice.
OG: I couldn't remember for the life of me where I originally found that picture, but it sure is a beauty!
.....Mr. C.
Second attempt.
Get Some!!!
Dang it!
I spent so much $$$ buying gifts for the grandkids, I plumb forgot to leave enough to buy myself a gun.
Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue . . .
... maybe next year.
I've been trying for every one month anniversary, but my wife won't let me!
Speaking of (Blogger) Buy a Gun day, has anyone seen what happened at - the BAG Day 'originator's site??
It looks like a WordPress initial screen under a Farsi banner. Major bummer before 4/15.
Hypothesis at: Traction Control
I think I'll declare my blogversary on April 15 so I can hit two targets with one shot. Hey wait-a-minnit, then I'll only be able buy one. Never mind.
I'm back and soon I'll vent my wrath on the camel-humpers who denied me my rightful annual pre-BAG Day blogging!
WOOHOO Happy Blogiversary! I can't wait til mine how that this new legislation is in place!! ~Monica
Heeee heee, Mine will be here this week!
(Been 1 a week since the 1st of the year!)
I live in California and want to purchase a hand gun. I'm willing to go to Reno, NV where I understand it's much easier to buy a gun. Anyone out there know where I might go. I've heard the Palace Pawn shop is a good place.
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