Browning Buckmark .22 Rim Fire Race Gun

Browning Buckmark .22
I've always liked the looks of the Browning Buckmarks. The heavy barrels, the full length scope mount, the military angle grip, some absolutely beautiful grip panels, all add to the esthetics. The Browning reputation for fine quality firearms certainly doesn't hurt either!
When the opportunity arose for a good deal on a Buckmark, with red dot scope, and in like-new condition, I jumped at it.
As I do with any new firearm, I took it home and disassembled it fully, cleaned it, lubed it, and became familiar with it's inside workings.
One thing I didn't like was that if you have a scope on it, the scope can cover up the rear-most scope rail socket headed mount screw. The rail has to come off the remove the slide. That means you have to re-zero the scope every time you remove the slide for cleaning. Not a big deal, but a minor aggravation.
A second thing I noticed was that the slide movement wasn't very smooth. It wasn't really very rough, but it just wasn't that Browning "greased glass" sort of smoothness. Granted, this was nearly a new Buckmark, so that certainly was a contributing factor. While I had it apart, I polished the sliding surfaces on the slide and frame, and it was noticeably smoother. Still not as smooth as I would have liked, but a lot better than it was. Putting two or three thousand rounds through it probably would have improved it even more. It was definitely decent, just not what I would expect from something from Browning.
A third snivel, (and all of these things I've mentioned here are very minor snivels) is the grip panels. If you have fairly small hands, the grips shown in the picture make it feel like you are hanging on to a two by four. That being said, I have to admit that once I got used to them, it felt better, and I was almost starting to like them. Go figure! Anyhow, changing to different grip panels is no big deal, and some of those fancy ones from Browning are works of art.
"So stop sniveling at tell us how it shoots!" I was impressed by how well it shot. From a bench rest it was clearly more accurate than I am. It chambered most anything I threw at it, and mis-feeds just didn't seem to happen. With a red dot on it, rapid fire was very good, and it seemed to come up on target easily. Unfortunately, I didn't get to shoot much over a brick of ammo through it before I made the mistake of letting a buddy of mine try it out.
It was sorta like a part of his hand! I probably shouldn't have sold it to him. Then I made another dumb mistake and showed him the "Taco" grip. Now I've got to shoot against him! Dumb - dumb - dumb!!
Overall impressions: The Buckmark is a handgun I have no problem recommending. They're great for plinking, reliable and accurate enough for club competition.
For a look at the entire Browning Buckmark line, go here and have a look.
If I weren't shooting Hi Standards, I'd probably be shooting Buckmarks. I liked it a lot!!
I own a Buckmark, though not near so nice as the one you picture. I put the hi-viz Tru-Glo front sight on it and it is one of the smoothest handling firearms I've ever had the pleasure of shooting.
Brandon: The fiber optic glo-type front sights are a great addition to any handgun, especially for those of us with lousy eyesight to start with.......
Paul said...
I got a Buckmark Camper Special last winter, and it took daily limits of cotten tails in S.W. Wyoming several times.
I have the Buck Mark Bullseye Target URX. I added a red dot and it is very lethal for club plate and pin competition. I have put 2500 rounds though it in the 6 weeks I've had it and would recommend it to any one.
I own a 5.5 Camper, and it has NEVER missfed in around 1000 rnds. I AM looking to put a BSA optic on it, any suggestions?
I just got done shooting the Steel Challenge ( which is one of the big pro-level action pistol matches. For the last several years they have run a pre-match rimfire event. A lot of the shooters bring fancy .22s (S&W Model 41's, Marvel conversion kits on STI frames, etc.) and every year a lot of them have trouble getting the guns to run. My wife and I both shot a shared Buckmark which ran flawlessly w/ Federal Champion ammo. The trick we learned (from S&W team shooter Jerry Miculek) was to put a drop of oil on the bullet of the first round in every magazine. That adds a little lubrication to the feed ramp and chamber every mag. Really makes a difference.
Tactical Solutions ( makes some excellent aftermarket barrels w/ integral scope rails for the Buckmark. Several of the shooters running Buckmarks at the match were using their barrels.
Which scope rail is on the gun pictures at top of page? It looks to be other than factory.
Thw scope rail was on the Buckmark when I bought it used, and I thought it was original, but it could have been aftermarket. I no longer own the Buckmark, so I can't check it to see if it has any manufacturer's markings.
...... Mr. C.
I have been shooting a Ruger 22-45 Great Eight for about 5 years. Put maybe 3000 rounds of the cheapest ammo K-Mart sells through it. I have never had a jam. Not one jam, Not one stovepipe. One dud, I think. (or was that in my rifle?) When I really want to splurge I use Remington hollowpoints. They're perfect, too.
I have had a BSA red dot scope on it most of the time, and it's far more accurate than I can hold it. Off a sandbag it will put 10 rounds through a one inch hole at 50'. With my holding it, I get a 3 to 4 inch group. I love it, but I'm getting old and shaky, and it's not that light.
By the way, it's not hard to reassemble if you follow directions and practice every morning for a couple of hours before you get up.
I have just ordered a Buck Mark with countour 5.5" barrel, and the neatest rubber grips I have ever felt. It's lighter than the Ruger, so my son will likely inherit the old gun and my weary hands will try the new ($310) pistol after my 10 day California waiting period is up. ("But I'm angry NOW!")
More then...
The scope rail on the above Buckmark came from Browning, it is original. I had the same model, with those grips (wich Browning no longer makes). It is the 5.5" Field or Target model. Very hard to find these days.
When I had one, I loved it, and I should never have sold mine either. Looking at getting another to put a TacSol TrailLite Barrel with the comp on it. Can't wait.
Just my $.02
Anyone help me getting the front screw out that secures the barrel. What a nightmare--what size Allen wretch or screwdriver as I can't get enough torque on it.
The screw beneath the barrel is a 7/16 allen. make sure not to overtighten it when you put it back in.
oops, 7/64 is what I meant.
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