Smith & Wesson Model 422 - Sweet shooter!

Here's the picture of the Smith & Wesson model 422 I mentioned earlier. The 422's are not only light and fun to shoot, they are also usually quite a bargain, as in my opinion they are underpriced for as good as they are. The trigger pull, although very reasonable for an "off the shelf" pistol, was a bit heavy for my taste, but it took very little to get it down into the two pound range.
The Simmons 42mm. red dot sight is mounted way forward to keep the muzzle down as much as possible in rapid fire mode. It helps!!
Seen these, but never had a chance to shoot one. Sounds like might be one to check out.
Someday. After the Martini, I ain't buying any more guns for quite a while.
I promised.
I have one, love to shoot it - until it gets just a little dirty then it jams up unlike anything else I've ever owned. Sent it back to S&W twice with no resolution to the problem.
I have a 422 exactly like the one in the picture, my buddy has the compact version. These are great target pistols especially for the price.
I have a 422 also and it has taken some squirrels without problems. Good gun in many ways.
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have shot the compact version, at the moment i am looking at buying one identical to yours. How did you mount the sight?
I just used a short piece of weaver type scope mount material, and machined a matching curvature on its underside to match the top of the barrel. Then I drilled and tapped two holes to hold it on.
..... Mr. C.
Have one exactly like it but would like to get another one. Any ideas where to get one?
I have owned the compact, short barreled version since 1988, but I just rediscovered it this weekend.
What an amazingly accurate pistol! Great fun to shoot as well! It do jam when it gets dirty. That was after about 125 rounds.
Hey guys a friend of mine wants to buy one of my two 422s what is it worth? RP
mine jams worse than anything else i've ever seen!
I've had my 422 for 4 months - love this gun. I have had a problem with the barrel coming loose. Anyone else have this problem?
i just got a 422 being having problem with jammin being using bulk hollow points from walmart! just wondering what everyone else is using?
As to ammo, I use CCI Std. Velocity in matches, and either CCI Blazers or Federal Bulk from Walmart. The Federal has been quite good, actually. Remington has consistantly been the worst for jams, misfeeds, and failure to fire even with good firing pin strikes. I used to use S&B club, but can't get it anymore........
..... Mr. C.
the federals from walmart that you are using are they hollow points or round noses?
I am looking for additional magazines for my 422. This is identical to the one above. Any ideas as where to find some? and price?
Magazines for the 422 are readily available, as the 422 uses the same magazine as the S&W model 41. I'm sure you can get them from Brownell's or from Midway. Probably other places, too.
...... Mr. C.
Great gun, especially for the price, and very accurate. Any jams I have had I would attribute to the ammo, not the gun. It has shot without any issues when using CCI (up to 200+ rounds at a time). I've also had good results with the Federal stuff from Walmart - hollow points. The Rem stuff is garbage, dirty and casues jams and stove-pipes. Clean regularly and use descent ammo and you'll be very happy.
I purchased one new in 1994, it jammed like crazy until I sent it back to the factory, now it is accurate & reliable for thousands of rounds without cleaning. I just got a second one that jams a couple times per magazine. I installed a new magazine & recoil spring but it still jams. Does anyone have any idea what causes the problem?
I have one of these and it is a great shooter, though the trigger is a a tad heavy. I talked to my local gunsmith about a trigger job and he said no go. I contacted S&W and they said the same thing. So what did you have to do to get it down to a 2 lb. pull?
Contrary to the comment of 2/24/08, the magazines for the model 41 and the model 422 are not interchangeable due to the magazine release/keeper. Model 41 magazine will not lock in place in the model 422.
As far as jamming, I've been told, and my experience bears this out, that only true .22LR will feed properly in this pistol. The stingers and .22 shorts (or anything else) will positively not feed.
The model 41 mags can easily be modified to fit the 422, I have 4 mags one came with the 422 the other 3 are from a 41 model. Use a dremmel tool to cut the opening larger and fit it to the 422. I did all 3 in 20 minutes and they work perfect! Keep them reasonably clean and they work very well, but they are designed for a round with a bit more punch ie. CCI Mini-Mag, however, mine works very well with bulk Winchester Dynapoint GTs.
This was my first gun. I got it because it looked enough like a 1911 that my mom could use it for home defense, hoping the sight of the thing alone would do the trick. We also liked it because it was big enough for my hand and light enough for her to shoot.
As to the jamming...I used Winchesters all the time and it jammed about 3 times in ten clips, not a real issue for me.
Accuracy on the other hand was somewhat lacking. I gave it to my mother-in-law a couple of years ago because she didn't really ever shoot much so hitting things was a big deal for her.
It does have a heavy trigger and muzzel jump is an issue. I prefer my 8040 Cougar hands down.
shot one of these last night at the NJ Firearms academy and loved it. fits my hand perfectly. light as a feather. easy to shoot one handed. very clean working. just loved it.
I inherited this gun from my deceased husband. I haven't fired it yet, but I would like to soon. Is this a good gun for home defense? I recently went to a Ladies Night at the range, and fired my first shots on a Ruger .22. I liked the heaviness of the Ruger.
Just picked up a used 422 today and am very pleased with the little rascal!!! It was raining today so I just took a tin can and tossed it into the back yard (about 18 feet). After 6 shots that looked like I had missed some I went out and retreived the ragged hole....all six shots. I used Eley match ammo and will probably not try anything else!!
I hope someone can help with a 422 problem I'm having. The slide will not slide fully to the rear. I had taken the gun to the range and it failed to feed, I noticed that it was the slide failing to be able to be pulled fully to the rear to pick up a round. So I installed the breakdown tool which is put used to hold the spring back so the retaining block can be removed to lift the slide off. I can't figue out what is keeping the slide from moving fully.
90% of jams are caused by clip being malajusted
I have difficulty pulling the recoil guide plug. Any suggestions?
Just got a 422 and luv it. However I bought a 41 mag and it doesnt want to lock into the mag well. Seems like the dimple on the mag wont snap into the mag release arm thingy. Ive read on here the 41 mag can be modified to work but I need to know how and what to do in order to make it work.
I have a 422 with a broken firing pin and I cant find a replacement...any one know where I can get one??? I have already tied bownells and nurich arms.
I have a 422 model that I purchased in 1994. It has sat on the shelf for more than 15 years without being fired. I went to the range yesterday and my first grouping at 50 feet was in a 5 inch pattern. Not bad.. the gun is great for target.. and I'm sure the HV Hallow Point will stop someone pretty quickly. Best gun I've bought in years!
Anyone needing a firing pin for a 422 you can get them at EKW Arms.I just ordered 2 for mine and installed 1 and keeping the other for spare. It works perfect and is much more substantial than the original. probably will not need the spare.
My favorite S&W small cal. A definite bargain.
I have two 422 and love them both--one is the stainless and the other is the blued. They are great for carrying while hiking around and plinking because of how light they are. A lot of comments about jams--mine jam only when they get dirty or w/ bad ammo--such as Remmingtons. Cheap Federals from Walmart work best. I can go through at least a brick of federals before it dirties up too much. I've gone as much as 2-3 bricks of Federals and the jams would be infrequent. A few clips of Remmingtons though start jamming right away.
I bought one of these over 20 yrs. ago for less than 200 bucks. Shoots circles around my Colt Woodsman match target, and my S&W 41! Most accurate pistol I've ever owned, and never ANY function issues at all. Shoots EVERYTHING well! Bargain of a lifetime!
Total piece of crap! Jams up so bad that i don't even bother taking it to the range anymore. Took it to rays sporting goods in jersey to get it fixxed(this is wherei purchased the fire arm) and they did nothing for me. There is a good reason why S&W no make these guns.
Purchased mine in 93, and have let many people try it, and they always comment how nice the gun is to shoot. I would like to lessen the trigger pull. How did you reduce the trigger pull, replace parts, or just polish existing parts? Thanks in advance.
It's been a while since I did it, but I think I polished, then either shortened or replaced a spring. That's about all I remember.....
Mr. C.
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