Beretta U22 Neos .22

The Beretta U22 Neos is an interesting combination of the old and the new. The design influence of the earlier Hi Standard 22's is easy to see. And yes, I know, the early Hi Standards, and the Colt Woodsmens are both heavily derived from an early Browning design. However, if you need a starting point for a gun design, you can't do much better than that, particularly if you then add modern technology and materials, as Beretta has done. The hammerless in-line firing pin/striker mechanism is a design similar both to the Smith & Wesson 422, featured in a previous Rim Fire Race Gun post, and to some less common Hi Standards, although Hi Standard more commonly used a hammer.
The quickly removable flat-sided bull barrel with a single stud to retain it to the frame is also very similar to Hi Standard. Just below the barrel near the front of the frame there's a small thumb wheel, which, when loosened, allows you to lift off the barrel and scope mount as an assembly. This is a particularly nice feature as you can mount a red dot sight and sight it in, and it stays sighted in after removing and replacing the barrel. It also allows you to shoot in two classes with the same gun, if you have two barrels, one with a scope or red dot, and one for using the iron sights. The Weaver style scope mount comes with the gun, so you don't have to buy it extra if you want a red dot or a scope. Out of the box, trigger pull was average, but a bit heavy for competition. It didn't take much to get it lighter, however.
Speaking of sights, the stock sights are adequate, but nothing special. On some models you DO get different colored easy to change front sights. You can also get the Neos in different colors of grip panels. An adjustable trigger is also an option. It's worth the extra few bucks.
To field strip the gun is a piece of cake. Loosen the knob, lift off the barrel, release the slide catch and slide it forward and off of the frame, hold the firing pin/striker in one hand and pull the trigger, and the striker slides forward and out of it's carrier. That's it!
Range report? Thought you'd never ask! When I first picked it up, it felt, well, different! Not bad, just different. I'm more used to a larger grip with more of a 1911 grip angle, so the grip felt small to me. For those of you with really large hands, you might find it a little on the small side. KeeWee, all five foot zip of lead-launching terror, loves it!
The longer barrel option and the weight of the red dot sight keeps the muzzle down fairly well when rapid firing. Like most brand new guns, mis-feeds would occur every so often, but after a brick or so of ammo had been fired, and a couple of good cleanings, those disappeared completely.
Accuracy at short ranges, where this gun is used, was excellent. One minor complaint was that the magazines are just a little bit short, and it's really easy to not get them fully seated into the gun. The cure, which is a good idea anyway, was to buy some 1/8" thick rubber gasket material from the hardware storeand contact cement it to the bottom of the magazine. Carefully trimmed, it looks like it came from the factory that way, and if you accidentally drop it onto a hard floor, it's less likely to be damaged.
If you are looking for a current production 22 caliber pistol, whether for plinking, or club competition, you should give this one a look. There are several different models available, and you can check them out at
If you are looking for a current production 22 caliber pistol, whether for plinking, or club competition, you should give this one a look. There are several different models available, and you can check them out at Beretta USA's website here.
KeeWee adds: As a new shooter (less than a year), I have found the Beretta Neos to be the perfect gun for me. The grip fits my small hands and the balance of the gun makes for a pleasurable shooting experience considering I wasn't at all sure in the first place I wanted to learn to shoot. Now that I am comfortable with this weapon and my shooting skills, I love to get out there and "give the guys a run for their money "
(I might add that KeeWee is currently in second place for CWSA season points in rimfire optical sight pin top competition with a first, a second, and a third so far, shooting the Beretta pictured above, equipped exactly as shown.)
I love my NEOS! Mine has the same barrel length but not the fancy colored grip or adjustable trigger. It does have the same style red dot as yours, as well as a scope and the other style of red dot that has the glass window where the dot is projected. All 3 go on and off w/o loosing zero. But my 21 year old prefers it plain with the open sights and will burn up a brick by himself on an afternoon at the range.
Pin shooting is in my plans in a couple more years- after I finish my batchelor's degree nights and weekends.
Don't you just hate it shooting against kids with good eyesight (even if you ARE proud of 'em!)? If you need any help on pin shooting, like rules, or whatever, just holler!!
I love my Neos but agree that the trigger is a bit heavy, how did you adjust it?
To Anon: The biggest thing was to slightly shorten the sear spring, along with polishing the sear and firing pin. Polishing all sliding surfaces is not a bad idea too. At least, that what I did, and it worked for me.
It takes a specially ground screwdriver to remove the firing pin carrier screw so you can get to the sear and sear spring.
It's not a big job, but you might want to check eith a gunsmith and see what he'd charge to do it.....
I think I will go the gun smith route first, I would hate to mess something up. Thank you very much for the response!!!
What kind of scope do you have on the NEOS. I am thinking of buying one and I too like the model with the blue inserts, it grips better for me. I am just getting back into target shooting after a long time.
I have the U22 Neos 7.5 DLX with the red dot scope there is nothing I would change on this gun I Simple love it scope or no scope its a piece of art and for triger pull Right out of the box no complaints don't know what your talking about its effortless.
and I am 6'4" tall 240 lbs Big hands and I have no problem handling this gun Vary comfertable
Hi, I am thinking of buying a Neos but I am not sure if I should get the 4.5" or the 6" barrel, I would like some advice on this matter for somebody with experience.
This is going to be my first pistol.
Thanks for your help..
How many magazines does the NEOS come with standard in its case? And does it come with the trigger lock as well standard? Thanks.
It's ben a while since I bought the Neos, but I think it came with 2 magazines, and I ordered a couple more beyond that.
Trigger lock? Don't remember. If it came with one I've long since thrown it away....
....... Mr. C.
I just bought my Neos yesterday and I took it out for the first time today. I ran about 300 or so rounds through it with not a single jam or misfire. So far, I absolutely love it. I wish I had gotten the one with different colored sights though, my front sight is hard to see. The colored sights would make it even nicer.
Anyway, it came with two magazines and a cable lock.
Any ideas for an affordable red dot scope?
I just picked up a U22 myself. I went in planning on buying the S&W 22A but the U22 just had that take me home feel to it. I really liked the grip, weight, and feel of the gun. I got the 6" barrel. I really like it so far and for the price it is pretty hard to beat.
need to know where i can find the rear sight screw!! mine fell out!! HELP Please??
Neos parts are orderable by phone direct from Beretta. They are a bit slow sometimes, but they have tha parts. Order more than one of the screws, and use loctite when you put it in. (Or go get a red dot sight!!)
..... Mr. C.
I bought a U22 Neos 4.5 Inox a few days ago and I took it to the range the next day and ran 350 rounds through it. My question is, using Federal's American Eagle High Velocity 40 Grain Solid rounds did anyone else experience any FTFs? I had several(10 or so) in the 200 rounds I fired of that but I also ran 150 rounds of Federal's Champion Target Standard Velocity 40 Grain Solid rounds and it had 0 FTFs or FTEs. Is anyone else having FTFs with the American Eagle rounds?
Jason: Straight blowback actions are dependent on several different things to be able to function at all. Powder charge, burn rate, bullet weight, bullet nose shape, amount of crimp, primer, slide weight, spring weights, both hammer and slide, smoothness of the action, and cleanliness/lubrication all have a big effect on feeding, cycling, and ejecting. Even barrel length makes a difference, as a longer or heavier barrel compensates a bit for "limp wristing". Since the American EAgle line is Federal's least expensive .22 ammo, I would suspect that it may vary more from round to round than their more expensive stuff. With .22 semi auto pistols ,what works fine in one may not work well at all in another, and vice versa.
..... Mr. C.
I just purchased a NEOS. The trigger pull is 5.5 lbs (measured). Could you give me more detailed instructions on how to access the sear and sear spring to adjust it?
Just purchased the Beretta U22 a few weekends ago. I haven't been able to make it to a range to really run in through, but the gun feels really good. I've been doing some research and I just ordered some of the Aguila Interceptor 1470 fps! I'll let you know how they work for me... I also see that the sight on the U22 above is a Simmons. I just ordered a Yukon Holographic Sight... Are you guys using sights on your Beretta U22?
I just bought a six inch NEOS. best buy on Red Dot scope is $24.95. Great scope that others are selling at three times the price.
I purchased my NEOS a few weekends back and ae since shot about 1500 rounds. I really like it. I installed a reddot sight on it but noticed that the scope mount has become loose. I tried tightening the two screws but it did not make a diffrence. It is still loose. What can I do?
I got a neos used. I love it, though I think my wife may secretly love it even more. Anyways, we've put over 2,000 rounds through it, and I don't know how much the original owner put through it.
Sometimes, the firing pin fails to reset when it cycles. It seems to happen almost once every other magazine now, even when I lube the hell out of it. Any idea on how to fix this?
Nately: If you mean the firing pin (also called a striker)is definitely not locking back and not caught on the sear, perhaps the edge of the slot in the striker where the sear catches is rounded off. If the sear is binding and not moving upward freely, that might cause it, too. You might try replacing the sear, sear spring, striker, and striker spring and see if that cure it. You might check the spring that returns the trigger forward, too.
You can also get a similar situation if you don't quite get your finger off the trigger between shots and are still holding it in a bit when the gun cycles.
It's hard to trouble shoot without actually looking at it, but if it was mine, that's the things I'd be checking....
..... Mr. C.
Im 16 and living in newcastle, australia and thinking of joining a target shooting club. Is the u22 a good choice for beginners and what barrel length do you suggest?
Hi "Newcastle" !
Yes, the Neos is a very good pistol to start out with, it's reasonably priced and has decent accuracy. I would talk to the members of the target shooting club and see not only what they recommend, but what might be available used from another member who is upgrading to something more expensive. For target shooting the 6" or 7" barrels would be more suited than the shorter barrels.
...... Mr. C.
Does anyone know where to buy maybe a wider grip, or is beretta still the only maker of grips for this gun? Until now I had only shot Ruger Comps., and this Beretta holds its own against them for a fraction of the cost!!
I just purchased a Neos 6" barrel. I've ran about 300 rounds through it thus far, and so far I've noted that PMC Target 22 has not worked for me at all. Almost every round tends to hang prior to loading (Granted, new gun not broken in yet) and 1 in 8 tend to fail to fire. On the failed rounds the "Impression" from the firing pin was considerably lighter than in spent casings prior to it. Federal bulk rounds have been very reliable for me so far (150 rounds anyhow), no FTF's and no feed problems -however the group is rather random for me. I did spend about 50 rounds of Winchester SuperX in the gun and those held a rather tight group for me... about 3/4th inch at 10 yards, and I had no feed problems or fail to fires either.
Oh, I'm shooting with iron sights aiming to improve on that with out help from a red dot, at least for now.
Just my 2 cents worth guys!
I've only fired two rounds from my new Beretta U22 NEOS, and the slide seems to be jammed. I refilled the magazine and tried to get it back in, but had a little trouble and it didn't seat properly. I'm a pistol newbie although somewhat experienced with rifle and shotgun. How can I resolve the jammed slide? Any ideas?
If it's brand new I'd take it back to the dealer and have him look at it. Be sure to tell him there may be a live round in the chamber. After he gets it un-stuck, have him run a few magazines of ammo through it to give it a live fire function test. If it has a problem, the warrantee should take care of it.
..... Mr. C.
Well as of yesterday I am the proud owner of a 4.5" Neos as well. picked it up for $235 brand new at the local gun show. I have wanted a plinker for a long time cause the AR-15 is getting too expensive to shoot and I haven't got all the reloading equipment to reload my own yet. and the 9mm is not really meant for target shooting. thanks for all the insight as that is why I bought one. :)
Picked up a 4.5 Neos about a week ago, put about 2000 rounds of Federal Value Pack ($16 for 525 at Big 5) thru it, had no misfires, one fail to eject. Love this gun! Simple, reliable, fairly accurate (at least for 70 yr old eyes),cheap (under $250) and fun. Have a red dot but seem to do as well (or as bad) without it.
How do I get it apart to replace the grip? Call me all thumbs, but I can't seem to get it appart.
I just bought a Neos for my wife and would like to put a laser on it without doing away with the factory iron sights and them still work. Any suggestions or ideas, Thanks
I just bought a Neos .22 with a 6" barrel 2 weeks ago. I would like to get a laser sight for it. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Other then the color combo which could indicate titanium, thus lighter weapon, what's the difference between
Beretta U22 Neos
Beretta U22 Neos DLX
Beretta U22 Neos INOX
Beretta U22 Neos INOX DLX
Can't seem to find any reviews comparing the two or other info that would describe the differences. gives the same numbers for all of them .
I have a part that is misbehaving on mine, a small spring is coming off the throwback on the right side. Anybody know what that's about? -SouthCarolina
As I remember, the DLX models have an adjustable trigger and a rubbery textured grip. INOX is a fancier finish, but I'm pretty sure it's not stainless or titanium.
The only spring that comes to mind on the right side is possibly the extractor spring.
.... Mr. C.
My Neo jams if I load the clip to capacity. Once I get down to about 6 rounds, it stops jamming. Any ideas on how to fix it?
@chuck load the clip to capacity and leave it in a desk or summin for about a week. I had some 25rd mags that had the same problem and it solved it no problem
Thanks Mr. C.
I also found that the DLX models include the ability to change the front and rear sites. They come with 3 set of different color sites.
INOX is short for the Italian word "inoxidizable" which is their term for stainless steel.
I already have a Browning Buckmark & Rugre Mark II. I use the Buckmark for Steel Challenge and I am thinking of a 6" Dlx Neos.
Does anyone shoot competitions with this firearm???
Bob L.
I do see the Neos every so often at club steel matches. KeeWee shot her Neos for a little over a year, but then moved to a High Standard for the improved accuracy. The Neos is quite accurate, but the High Standard barrels are a little more accurate. For most shooters the Neos is far more accurate than the shooter.
.... Mr. C.
The real deal in making the trigger less heavy is by replacing the sear spring with a mini Bic lighter spring. Yes, a Mini Bic lighter! could not believe it at first, but i just replaced my sear spring in my Neos and it went from 5.5 lbs to 2.5lbs, it's perfect! if you just cut the original sear spring it ain't going to cut it, it might even do more bad than good. the Bic spring has to be cut a bit longer than the original spring, and reassemble the sear housing.
I recently bought a neos and have fired about 1000 rounds through it.
So far every magazine has rounds that fail to feed correclty. i have tried 4 different types of ammo with the same results. Is this normal for breaking in a pistol or should I return it under warranty?
I initially had fail to feed problems with my new NEOS with the rounds jamming in the breach, sometimes vertically like a stovepipe. Most jams were with Winchester HV 40 grain, RN ammo. The slide also failed to lock open occasionally when the magazine was empty. I disassembled the magazines and slightly pulled the spring appart, increasing it's tension. I also cleaned and VERY slighly oiled the magazine. The next trip to the range had only two failure to feeds out of 300 rounds and no failures of the slide to remain open after the last round. I have also since tried CCI mini mags and have not had a single failure of any kind with over 500 rounds.
how do you dissamble the magazine?
I just bought a Neos last weekend and only had time to run through about 200 rounds before the SuperBowl, but I absolutely love it. It is by far my new favorite target gun. Never had more fun shooting a pistol. Absolutely no recoil, easy to hold on target, feels great, magazines loads easy (the knob on the side really saves the thumb) and just overall a great gun.
I am looking for a good red dot to put on it b/c I'm joining a league. Any suggestions?
My U22 would jam at least once per magazine, or more. It was jamming as the round was just beginning to enter the chamber. I found that the rim was getting hung under the extractor. The fix, was to remove the extractor and polish the sharp surfaces facing the barrel. 1000+ rounds later, not one jam.
Thanks for the review, I'll be picking up my first gun soon and I'm thinking about picking up the Neos.
Beretta support is lacking. I used all their recommended ammo.
The u22 jams left and right.
Support said buy new clips; and the gun still jams.
4 clips; constant jams with 3 different types of ammo recommended by beretta.
spent $60 bucks shipping and they said everything is fine.
They sent me the pistol with the firing pin cocked.
1) Nice way to scare the crap out of someone.
2) It damages the firing mechinism.
3) The gun still jams.
berretta support is a joke, they don't repair. The gun is useless.
its only been used twice.
Never buy a NEO. Actions from the gun smith and support makes me say; stay away from beretta.
they sell junk.
I bought a u22 using federal bulk no failure to fed or eject,having a problem with it shooting to the left.I turned the windage screw counter clockwise but still no luck anybody have any suggestion shot 225 rounds
slamming lead
anonymous posted Jan.1 2001, Dear Sir, you seem to think your U22 is Junk. I would like to buy it from you if you still have it and the terms are right. I am a retired 63 old native of Florida. You can email me at posted Feb. 20th 2011
I want to take off the rail on my u22. where do I buy sights to replace what I remove?
What sort of sights are you planning to install?
Mr. C.
I was sold on a buckmark and had done very little research on the Neos. While making my purchase I had the dealer hand me one just for the heck of it and was sold the second it was in my hand. I have really small hands and have never had a more comfortable grip. Like some of the posters here, I have had a few cases where it fails to lock open etc but, after owning a p22 for years that was a piece of junk, this thing is a dream.
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hi there i'm having a lil problem it might even not be a problem , i was trying to clean my gun but the knob won't budge i tried both ways clockwise n counter if it was a manufacture defect so im asking how do u go by this lil problem of mine. it's a new gun 2 hardly a month old about 1000 rounds old.
There is a push button lock on the knob to keep the knob from backing off in use. It is right in front of the knob. The knob has regular threads (not left hand) so you push in on the button, then unscrew the knob.
Mr. C.
My hands are large (6ft tall and size 15 shoes) and I tried all of the popular plinkers without being impressed. I picked up a Neos out of curiosity and it fit my hand perfectly. I bought it am enjoying shooting it. The surprising thing is, the same grip also suits my 12 year old boy and my 5ft tall wife.
In recently bought this gun. I was drawn to it because it looked and felt familiar. After I had blown a brick through it, I realized that it looked and handled like my Nintendo light gun. May that is why I was able to nail the bull with it right out of the box
has anyone fired cci low noise ammo thru a Neos 6 inch barrel
I bought a NEOS about 2 years ago and ran pretty good until about 6 months ago. The trigger doesn't release the firing pin. I took it apart and cleaned it and was able to get the firing pin to release one out of every 12 trigger pulls or so. I took it all the way down to look at the sear and firing pin and nothing looks like it is rounded too much. Has anyone else encountered this problem or heard of any solutions?
Purchased a Neos 6 inch Inox on the 27th, shot 400 rounds through it today. Only failures were from some 20 year old 22 LR rounds that I was using up.
Always wanted the Ruger Target 22, but nearly $550. I paid $320 in Las Vegas for my Neos.
Tried 4 different brands of LR, the Winchester 36 grain copper plated hollow points (525 for $20) feed well, but seemed to spit out powder or worse from between the slide, hitting me in the lips. With the gun at least a foot in front of the face, bothersome. But my Marlin 22 loves the stuff.
Got a cheap reflex red dot sight at Big 5, $42 for a Barska, which is identical to the BSA.
I recently purchased a Neos and I would like to know if it is posible to mount a laser sight under the barrel. I know I could mount it on the top rail but I would like to have use of the open sights also
Recently purchased the basic U22 6" . Had the nicer model as in the photo some years back...sold it back in my "if its not a cannon, it's not a gun" phase. Sorry I did now, esp with the price of ammo. For me, its been a reliable way to spend a couple of hours at the range and still be able to afford gas for the Honda. I am concerned to hear of ftf's and extract springs popping off after only a couple thou rounds. I feel for the guy who has had so much trouble with his. Sucks to buy a lemon gun, then have to read how everyone loves theirs. Have Baretta stood by their product?
I read the comment about reducing the trigger from 5.5lb to 2.5lbs by putting in a spring from a mini bic lighter?? Are there any other ways to reduce the trigger pull?
This is going to be my first gun purchase in a couple of weeks ( gift to myself for my 40th b day) thank you for all the reviews.. I held a Ruger MK iii, the Browning BuckMark, but when the dealer put the Beretta Neos in my hand.. IT was awesome.. felt perfect, the weight of it, the feel... and as a beginner.. YES at my age a beginner, I have been doing a LOT of research, this site has helped me decided THIS is the gun for me.. TY!!
My son's NEOS has lost the extractor 4 times. The first 2 were during warranty and under 200 rounds. Beretta's warranty provider in CA says not to use the high velocity shells. They did not recommend any brands. We had been shooting the cheap 525 Rem copper LRs, I think its says the velocity is 1200 something. I think there is a 1600fps Stinger and a 720fps quiet. My son is afraid to shoot it now even though I have 2 extractor, plunger and spring sets in his pistol case.
I should have bought the Ruger.
Where can I found lighter trigger spring for Beretta neos?
I need a firing pin !!! Looked all over and cant find one. Any ideas ?
If it is an older pistol check the beretta u22 neos website because they were recalled because if a firing problem. All you have to do it put your serial number in to see it is in the recall. Sent mine off and got it back in a week
Just bought a Neos, brought it home, and cannot get the slide to pull back. Have tried everything, and I know it pulled back at the gun shop.
Any ideas?
Hard to tell without looking at it. I'd head back to the shop and have them take a look. Otherwise, see if you can get it apart and figure it out. I've never had the slide stick on mine. If it has been fired and then got stuck, maybe the cartridge is stuck i the chamber and the extractor is keeping the slide from moving. Let us know what it turns out to be.
Mr. C.
If the gun is uncocked and the safety is on, the slide cannot be pulled back.
It happens to me occasionally
I was just wondering if any of you have found a way to mount a rail on the bottom of the barrel of the beretta neos to attach a laser or flashlight. Thanks for your help!
My .22 Neos is a mess. I have run a few thousand rds through it, but it is very temper-mental on ammunition.
I shoot steel challenge with it and stay below .6 sec split times. It lite strikes every 20 rds. I can't find a spring kit for it. Where can I get one? I had to open the lower mouth of the breach to get rid of the lip so it would feed consistently. I think the two springs sliding inside of each other is a questionable design. The springs have gouged the inside surfaces of the slide. I think it should have a sleeve of a harder material.
Do you know of any big dot sights that I can put on this Picatinny Weaver rail?
ANON: I have had no problems with the Neos, provided you use ammunition that works in the gun, and it is properly cleaned and lubricated. A common cause of light strikes in .22s that is often overlooked is a worn firing pin. In my High Standards I change out the firing pins every year, but i do shoot a lot. Another cause is a tight chamber and a bit of dirt. Polish the chamber with some 600 or finer paper. Wax from coated bullets will build up in both the chambers and magazines, and that will cause problems too. The stock springs have given me no problems, although in some .22s if you use Std. Velocity ammo you may have to shorten the slide spring slightly.
Nat: Just about any red dot sight will clamp on to the Neos, but my favorite is the OKO Weaver mount sight. It has the brightest dot I've ever seen. It costs almost as much as a basic Neos, but it is worth every penny. Available at dealers, or at
Mr. C.
Just purchased a neos u22, is there a flash suppressor for this gun? love the gun. Just think it would look good. Ruger has a flash suppressor looks great.
Anyone know where I can get a new firing pin and spring for my Neos?
Hello I own a neos I recently shot the gun about 150 rounds no problems I took the gun apart cleaned all parts and reassembled gun only to have it light strike.there was no pattern to it was completely random with shooting and misfiring. I went on internet to find solution only to find that the problem was the inner spring or the firing spring was kinked or it had too much spring length.a friend of mine cut three coils off the spring and it fires everytime now. Hopefully I can help someone else with this. The neos is a good gun just needs improvements. Before you get rid of yours try this if you are having light can order new ones also just in case you mess up I found that three coils was perfect
Cajun trigger job; I simply ground both ends of the trigger spring (10-15 seconds on each end). It is a very small spring. Don't take off too much. I also polished the inside and outside of the spring canister (used fine sandpaper wrapped around a dowel for the inside portions) and added STP lubricant to all of it when I finished. If you have trouble removing the screw to access the trigger spring try heating the screw with a soldering iron....likely the loctite needs to be broken down. Finally, I polished the trigger bar and made sure to remove any burrs or rough spot in the channel that it sit in.... also polished the sear... All of this yielded a smooth and significantly lighter trigger 2-3 lbs. Good luck with yours.
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