CWSA Pin Shoot Report - 10/22/05

We had fantastic Fall weather for the next to the last CWSA pin shoot of the season, and although the turnout was light, there was a lot of really close matches. There were even several ties, requiring a re-shoot. GeraldR set a new club record for fast centerfire table, getting five pins in 2.57 seconds. W O W ! Even as fast as Gerald was shooting, he still just barely beat KimG in the finals. Kim doesn't waste much time, either!
The rimfire pin top matches were also very close. I entered both my S&W 422 and my High Standard, now equipped with the new C-More red dot sight. I had apparently gotten a bad batch of Federal ammo, and about every tenth round wouldn't fire, even with a good firing pin strike, so I struggled in qualifying.
Everyone else was qualifying slow too, and I ended up with fast time with the 422, just a fraction of a second ahead of "Evil Al". JimP was third. I was only able to qualify the High Standard into fourth place due to the time lost clearing misfires.
Al made short work of me in the first round, so the 422 was done for the day. Shooting the High Standard, I faced "Arch Rival" JimP in the first round, and narrowly got past him to then face Pegi in the second round. Again, it was close, but the pins rolled favorably for me.
KeeWee had been steadily working her way through the pack, Retiring Both Dean and Rainey, putting her against me in the semi-finals. If I would have bobbled at all she would have got me, but the pin gods were still smiling favorably.
That brought "Evil Al" and I back together for the final. Having changed to different ammo, I hadn't had any more mis-fires, so it looked like it was going to be a really close final. I was starting to get used to the new C-More, and it was becoming more automatic for me.
On the first table I shot perhaps my best table of the day to narrowly edge Al, who was cutting me no slack at all!
The second table I reverted to one of my old bad habits and dropped my elbow a bit, causing me to miss a couple of pins on the first shot, and Al Al takes the second table.
Now it's five pins left, winner take all! This time I remembered to keep my elbow up. This may easily have been the two fastest rimfire tables of the day, with my last pin hitting the ground just a fraction of a second before Al's. What a great match.
There's nothing more fun than coming up head to head against another shooter who shoots almost exactly the same times you do. No room for error, no easy ride, no playing it safe, you've got to shoot the very best you possibly can. What a rush!!
The iron sight class only had four shooters, and it boiled down to JimP and I in the final. Jim won the first table by a narrow margin. In the second table, I had a slight lead on him when I had another mis-fire, and by the time I cleared it Jim was almost one pin ahead of me, and that's how it ended up.
I wish I could have got him on that table so I could have had another "Winner Takes All" final.
Maybe next time.......
I gotta pin shoot some time!!!
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