Blogger Blastorama - Breaking News!

KeeWee has now challenged AnalogKid to a duel!
The challenge will be on the Bowling Pin range, full size bowling pins set on the back of the table, with any handgun, any sights, regular pin shooting rules, two tables out of three.
(This is gonna be fun to watch!!)
Ahh, but because I was the one challenged, I am the one who is to pick the standards by which the duel is to take place.
Pins go on the front of the table.
Not that it really matters, I'll probably still loose, but I've got to give myself that advantage anyway.
Anyway, does KeeWee accept?
I accept,however, it is to be full size pins on the back of the table or pin tops on the front of the table. Woman's prerogative, unless of course you want to wear a dress!
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