Intratec TEC-22 Rim Fire Race Gun

Intratec TEC-22 ready to go.


Here's the trigger mechanism and internals.
Intratec tec-22 - Rim Fire Race Gun
I'm sure you are already wondering what the heck a TEC-22 is doing in here with all the other "more conventional" rim fire race guns. Well, I actually entered this TEC-22 in a couple of iron sight class bowling pin top competitions a few years back, just for the fun of it. Actually got a second place it, to everyone's consternation. (They've FINALLY stopped calling me "The old guy with the UZI!")
The TEC-22 has a lot of really neat things about it. First, of course, is it's looks! All black, boxy steel with a short little barrel, large capacity magazine. What's NOT to like! Just OWNING one is enough to set off the gun-banners.
When I first picked up a TEC-22, I was pleasantly surprised by the feel of the grip. It doesn't look too fancy, but it seems to fit your hand well, although it's a little slippery. Very comfortable, in fact. The sights, although large and crude (like some of my shooting buddies!) do the job. If you have lousy eyesight to start with, BIG sights are appreciated. The TEC-22 uses standard Ruger 10/22 magazines, and that gives you lots of magazine capacities to choose from.
The TEC-22 is the second easiest semi-auto there is for field stripping. The easiest is the Jennings 22. It would disassemble itself in your hand, sending parts in all directions when you fired it.
To field strip the TEC-22, just push in the button on the back of the frame just below the rear sight and lift up the hinged top of the receiver. Pull the slide back about half an inch, and lift it, the guide rod, and spring out as an assembly. That's it! You can field strip it and reassemble it in ten seconds!!
How's it shoot? The trigger pull is average, but is easy to work on, and pull can be lightened to suite your preferences. I think a wider trigger would also improve the feel. Shooting from a rest, it's more accurate than I would have expected, considering the short barrel. I wouldn't expect too much at fifty yards, but that wasn't it's intent to start with. The sights, although not fancy, seem to do the job OK. The rear sight is adjustable for elevation, and the front sight adjusts for windage. One of these days I might just mount a red dot sight on my TEC-22. That could be a really fun combination!
I have had failure-to-eject problems once in a while, but I suspect part of this is due to the gun still being a little tight, and possibly my selection of ammunition. Come to think of it, cleaning it more often would also help, I'll bet!
Final Impressions: I find the TEC-22 to be one of the most fun 22's I've ever fooled around with. It's not the most accurate, not the most precisely built, and certainly not the most sophisticated from an engineering standpoint.
However, it's a whole lot of fun to shoot, and that's what it's REALLY all about, isn't it!
As long as you don't mind being called the old guy with the UZI.......
Ejection and mis-feeding seems to be more of a problem than extraction. Cleanliness is important, and different ammo seems to make a difference. I have had more problems with Ramline magazines than with the one that came with the TEC-22.I still haven't fully cured the problem, however.
Any and all ideas will be appreciated, and if you find something that really helps, I'll do a full post on the solutions....
The only thing I found is to pull as strong and quick as I can so it doesn´t mis-feeding and extranction problem. I don´t know if this help...
Forgive my poor english i hope you understand.
I have worked out all of the reliability problems with the TEC-22 pistols. I am able to get 100% reliable shooting from my TEC-22 pistols! I sell a video that explains. Just type in TEC-22 in the web site GunsAmerica. Or e-mail me at
is that full auto or not?
The modification to the semi-auto TEC-22 will allow the TEC-22 to work 100% reliable with BUTLER CREEK 25 round 'HOT LIPS' magazines! Don't sell your TEC-22! The cure for it's jamming problems has been found! I wanted to sell my TEC-22 until I found a way to make it shoot reliably. I fired over 10,000 rounds of .22LR ammo through my TEC-22. The cure is very easy for the jamming TEC-22. E-mail me if you want to know how to make your semi-auto TEC-22 fire 100%! e-mai:
what is the average resale price on a used tec 22
The selling price for the TEC-22 is about $280-$350. The price for the TEC-22 will go for more once people find out how great these guns really are! I have four TEC-22 pistols. I will not sell my TEC-22 pistols because INTERTEC is no longer in business. The TEC-22 pistols are not being made anymore. I sell a video that explains how to make them shoot reliable as noted above. E-mail:
I'm looking for a firing pin spring for my Tec 22. Can't find one anywhere. Got any suggestions. If so please feel free to email them to me at
My TEC-22 jams at the drop of a hat, it's basically a combindation of design flaw between the gun and various brands of ammunition. That thing pisses me off to no end when I take it to the range, but you know what? I love it all the same and protect it religiously. Near as I can tell from various experimentation, the easiest way to squeeze some extra reliability out of it is to be johnny-on-the-spot with the cleaning and maintenance, and not skimp on the ammo. The cheap stuff does not agree with this piece!
Now, here's a question for anyone who knows... where, oh where, can I find barrel accessories for this beast? That's what I want to know. has lots of barrel accessories right now. (being pre-x-mas 2005)
I am working on making some small adjustments to the extractor pin to solve some of my ejection problems. Also, I have been making muzzle brakes and have one that looks GREAT! the brake is about 4in long and the same dia. as the barrel. it uses 4 rows of 6 holes ea. in a plus sign shape. I also polished my trigger and made a new mag release out of alum. to replace the plastic one. I think having the polished metal with the black looks very good!
I could make a muzzle brake for someone if they want. e-mail
anyone who wants to sell their tec22 , over here in canada, email me at
Since you appear to have done agreat deal of work on your Tec-22, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could get parts for mine. I sent it in on a recall many years ago and when it was returned, the entire trigger/hammer assembly was missing. Has just been lying in a drawer for a long time and I would like to get it fixed. Thanks
don't use the remington thunderbolt ammo (says in manual)winchester super x works the best (in my experiance with almost every brand of .22 ammo). I had one of these @ 8 years ago and I loved it. if your firing pin has not broke yet it will. i went through three but i use to REALY get on it clip after clip brick after brick. i found the pins online and they are still available. the funny thing is when i bought it ($99)there were two broken pins under the foam in the case. they should have hardened them. great gun enjoy!!!!!!
i need a pin for the tec-22. please email me at
For Tec-22 parts you might try a google search. It turns up several possibilities, including
....Mr. C.
anyone know what would cause my tec22 to only fire single shot...i have to recock it every time
any ideas?
I have a Tec 22 My problem since I bought it has always been jams one or 2 shots jam. I didn't shoot it much because of this. I just recently Purchased a magazine for the Tec 22 sells an all Metal 1022 magazine it works great and holds 25 rounds a little pricey $54+ but well worth it no more problems.
I'm sure Numrich ( has any part you might want for them, or can get it.
And boy, Mr. "Billuvrights" is a prolific spamster, isn't he?
Hello !
I am a former employee with intratec. Any problems were only one shot fired only and the bolt action doesn't slide back....this is in result of poor ammunition power. here's a few good ones
Remington (high-Velocity)
Winchester (sub-sonic)...o.k
super x..ok
I perfer the firt 2..cci& rem.
Whoever we were force to stop manufacting firearms & accesories.
A few is still around like folding stock, universal grip, flash hider, laser & optic, mags,all for tec 22. please visit post 4/5/2006
i just got a tec-22 and it stovepipes each round, it came with a ramline 30 round mag that wouldnt even chamber anything (just slammed and stuck on the breechface) so i went and got a butler creek "hotlips" mag, well it feeds great but always leave the brass hanging around inside of there. i was reading on the subguns forums that they say u need to use the butler creek "steellips" mags since they have a built in ejector. i dont know what to do if it dont work. i cant see spending $50 on a video that might not help me, ive already put a good bit of money into this
None of the listed websites function. The guy must've gotten busted or what not, all steel lipped rugger 10/22 mags are supposed to work. Good luck! And yes that guy who is a persistant pain in the wazoo, all the links dead end at the same place! Spam-Hole!
i bought one of these scorpion model tec 22's last week with a hard case and a butler creek 25 rnd banana clip for 200 bucks. i was actually looking at wheel guns when i came across it. i love its 3 second tear town feature. im using cci mini mag 1235fps high velocity ammo. i think a tac trigger, hellstorm etc and jungle clip it. you can put many of its big brother the tec 9's accesories like the barrel shroud.muzzle breaks, etc. im thinking about mounting a rail system on top too. this looked like a fun plinker and for the money, pretty sweet.
i hav a tec-22 and it doesnt hit the bullet in the middle any suggestions?
If someone wants to help others and let them know how to fix it, let them! Quit crying and stop trying to spam your stupid fix, jeez.
Any one who enjoys shooting rimfire cartridges at high rate of fire needs a CalicoM100 mine runs through the 100 round mag in about 14 seconds. Barrel mods are available and even the cheapest ammo cycles flawlessly through the patended feed system.Excersise your constitutional rights brothers.full clips forever!
My tec 22 would always jam on me. I bought a new clip from butler creek and changed to using CCI Stinger bullets. The combination seems to have fixed all my problems!
To the person with the broken firing pins, and the other with the missing pin spring: I also broke my firing pin, and in the process of fixing it, lost the spring. I ended op cutting down a spring from a bbq grill lighter(it doesn't take much tension, and the lighter was a dollar at the dollar store) and for the firing pin, I actually made one with a drimmel tool with a cut-off wheel out of a stainless steel knife blade. Works sweet. no more breaks. machine fairly slow and often dry fit and you shouldn't have to heat temper. use old pin as a template. Make sure the grain of the steel runs longways with the blade. Hope I could be of some assistance to someone. Working on the jamming next.
I got one of those TEC-22 DVD videos. It was worth $50 dollars. My TEC-22 pistol shoots great!
i have a tec 22 and when you shoot it the shell almost comes out but jams in the ejector opening any ideas on how to fix that the only shells that will feed flawlesly are the aguila supermax but at 20.00 per 500 it gets expensive to rattle through a clip i have a fake supressor that screws on the barrel that kills the accuracy it makes the bullets tumble through the air ive seen them hit sideways on paper i have shot empty shot gun shells at 25yrds easy very accurate for crude sites
can anybody tell me where i can get a factory barrel thread protector that came with the tec 22? thank ye, now
I have just got a tec-22 and am in need of parts, the barrel, clip and the square part on the inside with the ejector. Someone blew through the barrel and ejector with a tourch but the rest of it is in good shape. Anyone know where to get the parts. thank you
I also lost the spring to the firing pin on my tec-22. I noticed in the repair parts no spring included. I don't want to try and fabricate one from a BBQ lighter so does anyone know where I might get one for cheap. Love my Tec-22!
No point in buying the new pin without a spring.
I just bought a tech 22 and the first thing I had to do was replace the extractor and I got that off the told me they have intratec,s old pattons and remake the parts with better materials, I also have a ruger 22 and the resistance of the firing pin spring is much less in the ruger than the intratec, that must be why higher valocity ammo is better, I have had no luck with lighter springs, seems like they are not smooth in operation. Does taking down the top of the trigger catch really work for full auto, or do you need to buy parts and get a liscence, I am to to eager to ruin my gun.
How do you put the peice that cocks it, back into the gun?
One thing I haven't seen mentioned here regarding jams: IF YOU DON'T SEAT THE MAG CORRECTLY, THE TEC-22 WILL JAM. And I only know this because I got a little slip of paper with mine that said: "Insert mag, then push mag forward for proper operation."
It's moves only about 1/8"... but if you don't seat it right by inserting the mag, then rocking it forward till it stops, the gun will jam!
Hope this helps someone.
Does anyone know where to get a new mag catch? Or is anyone capable of making a new one? Ive looked all over the net and everyone seems to be out of that piece. Let me know
To buy a new magazine catch lever for the TEC-22 e-mail this person at>, He makes the magazine release levers out of steel.
I just bought a tec-22 at the gun show from a guy. I have always wanted one. It was still in the box, had 2 small cap mags. I bought 2 eagle mags and a drum round mag for the 10/22. I went to one guys stand and he had one I snapped in there and it fit perfect, I saw another guy that had one discounted for $49 so I bought it but when I got home and the show was over it fits in there but it falls out, any way to fix this? I am also having trouble with the jam problem. I have noticed that if it put force on the clip forward that it helps but its usually bam bam bam jam, bam jam, bam bam bam, jam. I still love the looks of the gun if anything else it looks like a bad mofo... if you have any parts that I can srpuce it up.. or jam info... email me at
I once owned a tec 22 wich was in pretty good shape I must add. Really by far the funnest pistol I ever shot. But alas My stupidity has gotten the best of me once again....During my move to south Fla for school I placed it some where while moving in to come back out to the truck and find it missing! go figure huh. Anyway any one want to sell a tec 22 300 cash right now reach me @ I would be much obliged gun only I have many clips oh 10 round remmington clips for sale also these lil hotties are hard to find also
Can anyone help? I lent my tec22 to a (used to be) friend. When I got it back it had a broken hammer. I ordered a replacement hammer from and when I installed it, there was not enough clearance for the bolt to slide back. I ground enough of the hammer to clear the trigger catch. Then it shot one round, loaded the next and sat the hammer right back against the bolt. You had to eject a good round to cock it again. I then bought another hammer from which arrived today. Since the first mod did not work, I then tried grinding the front of the hammer to gain the necessary clearance. (Yes I had the same problem before clearance for it to slide) At that point (after grinding) now the hammer will not sit flush againt the fireing pin to fire the gun. Am I doing something wrong that I can not gain the clearance???
HELP!!!! Ready to order the 3rd hammer as soon as I find out what Im doing wrong.
Anon: I appreciate you leaving a comment on the specifics on converting the TEC-22 into full auto. However, since such conversions can only legally be done by a gunsmith with the required licenses, and since those folks already know what to do, they don't need the procedure for conversion.
..... Mr. C.
Fix Jams:
* 1st use a better magazine. The stock Tec-22 30rnd mag is very cheap a good steel hotlips mag (25 rnd) for $20.00 works great.
*Next the extraction & stove pipeing can be solved with a very slight grinding off part of the barrel where the extractor grabs the casing. The CCI Stigners Jam less becasue they have a larger lip to grab. slightly grind the angled area where the extractor grabs the casing lip (and I do mean very slightly as to not damage the barrel) If you take out the mag and watch it eject a case from the bottom u can see exactly where to grind. Use some emmery paper to smooth the burrs from catching the next bullet and your done. Make sure to keep your Tec-22 very, very clean and well oiled or it will give you problums. A clean gun is a happy gun!
*Disclamer I am not a gun smith, these are just the mods I made carefully and with some gun knowledge if your in doubt take it to your local gun smith and have them trim the metal!
IF that was directed towards me asking about the hammer, I am NOT trying to convert anything, I just want to put my gun back into the original fireing gun that it was and was asking for help on what I was doing wrong
i have a beautiful tec-22 scorpion for sale bought in texas never had a problem with it jammin after i figured out how to properly seat the magazine only fired a few times but seeing as intratec is no longer in business i am asking $350 if interested email me
I have a Tec 22 and while firing it, the metal striker (firing pin) broke. Ordered a new one from Numrich gun parts. Now I'm getting slam fires or auto fires from my Tec 22. Want to correct this problem. Is the new metal striker "too heavy" for the spring that recoils the striker? Should I replace the spring that the striker recoils against?
"...shot one round, loaded the next and sat the hammer right back against the bolt. You had to eject a good round to cock it again."
had same prob w/mine. purchased parts from same sources with same results from both suppliers.
when grinding down (just barely) enough hammer to clear the trigger catch, the bolt only pushes the hammer back far enough to catch the hammer mid-way. i then had a friend put a thin bead of weld on the front face of the hammer providing enough surface for the bolt to push the hammer down and engage the trigger catch. be careful when grinding down the front face of hammer though to keep the hammer face on enough angle to strike the firing pin.
now mine works just fine. have run about 250 rounds through it and only 1 jam occurred.
does anyone know how to, or what parts are needed to mount a red dot scope on top the tec 22 without ordering the kit from
can parts be bought locally or through a gun dealer?
FOR SALE..... I have a Tec 22 Scorpion with case, 30 rd mag, and new firing pin installed. Email me at
275 +Shipping
Bought new, has maybe 1000 rds through it
I'm looking for the TEC-22 DVD. If anyone has it or knows where I can get a copy, please send a message to
If anyone wants to help the previous commenter, please contact him directly. Posting on how to get the DVD here will be seen as spam and will be deleted.
how much is a firing pin and how hard is it to fix?
You can get a firing pin off
anyone wanting to sell a tec-22 please e-mail me at
I have two Tec-22's and the secret really is in the magazine. The mag. that comes with them works best for me, the side of the lips opposite the breach it higher and helps eject the cases. I had problems with my Kimmel AP-9,I modified a mag. and it shoots flawlessly.
Please E-mail me at if you know how to put the top part back on that goes in side
I've been thinking about adding a muzzle brake to my TEC. But after reading the comment about affecting accuracy, etc I'm not so sure. Has anyone else had any issues ? All comments would be appreciated.
email me at scampbell662000@yahoo
Thank you !
Also, does anyone know of any type of butt stock that is available ? I was thinking that I had seen a universal type one time that clamped on that was collaspable... Any imput on this would be appreciated too.
Thanks !
I've had one since 94 and have 2 25 2 30 and 1 50 round mag all of different brands. The key to less jams is to seat the mag correctly (there is wiggle room) which I believe meant pushing the bottom forward, and to use ammo with a smooth profile. I use "thunderbolt" and jams are minimized.
I have the exeact same 22 tec but when i coc it back it wont shoot can u tell me whats wrong when I open it up it looks like yours what is the hammer suppose to hit in order to fire off the shot.
Sounds like your firing pin has broken.
Wondering if anyone can steer me in the right direction. I have an intratec ab10 with a cracked frame, or lower receiver. Wondering if there's anyplace that I can get a replacement. I know the serial number is on the frame, so i'm not sure if this is possible. I'm tempted to buy a second one just for parts if there's no where I can get a frame......any help would be great. thanks Dan
Looking to buy a TEC-22 in almost any condition as long as it looks good please email me at
thank you
if any one has a TEC-22 for sale or knows were i could buy one please email me at
i'm looking for plans and blueprints and detailed pictures of TEC-22, any suggestion?
How well does this pistol handle subsonic ammo?
Just purchased the Tec 22 but I need to make it more reliable. Any idea where I can get this video or some other useful info to make the proper modifications? if you can direct me,,,Thanks
I have a Tec 22 I purchased new in 93, never been fired been out of the original case 4 times now, anyway on the instruction manual there is a orange sticker saying "After inserting magazine pull down to insure proper alignment to prevent failures". I am sure a lot of you like me when inserting a mag we always hit the bottom to insure proper seating, not so for the Tec 22. Hope this
I have a Tec-22 that the release button for the clip broke. Does anyone have a picture of how it is supposed to go back in. I have tried several ways to put the new one in and I cant figure out how the spring works.
I have a Tec-22 that the release button for the clip broke. Does anyone have a picture of how it is supposed to go back in. I have tried several ways to put the new one in and I cant figure out how the spring works.
Does anyone know where to find a collapsible stock for the tec-22?
Where did you get the clip release?(Magazine catch?
I had jamming problems with my Tec-22 and it sat for 2 years. I read somewhere that you can only use Ramline magazines and CCI Ammo. I tried this and it worked great, not one jam with 100 rounds through it. I took it apart and cleaned it throughly. Bolt was filthy especially around firing pin and ejector pin slots. Be careful when placing firing pin spring back into bolt. You have to make sure it is seated properly against the charger handle otherwise it won't fire properly. The area around the barrel inside the receiver also needed cleaning. I thought I kept my guns prestine and was surprised to find so much crap in the nooks and crannys. Anyway, I loaded Ramline 30 round magazine with Federal, Winchester and Remington .22's. No jams! Fired great! This is good news as I can now shoot regular .22 cartridges rather than buying special ones. The original mag, also a Ramline, that came with the gun is worn around the lips. As a result it wobbles when seated in the gun. I found that if I hold it and apply pressure towards the front of the gun, it keeps it tight and no jams. So my recomendation is cheap and does not need any modifications. Keep the gun clean and make sure magazine is tight and you shoud have no problems. If you need a manual go to this website and download it for free The manual is a good thing to have if you have questions with takedown proceedures, etc. Good Luck! I hope this free advice gives you many jam free hours of fun with your Tec-22!
can anyone tell me y my tec 22 wont fire. i loaded it right. cocked it and pulled the trigger and i hear the hammer it but the bullet don't shoot out. nothing happens. I just hear the hammer hit.please help.
Ben: Make sure the bolt (or slide) is traveling all the way forward and isn't hanging up just a bit short. If that's OK, I'd suspect a binding or broken firing pin.
Mr. C.
If you aren't dealing with the nightmare of California fire arms regulations, consider yourself lucky!
I bought a Tec-22 (from a licensed federal fire arms dealer) before the Assault Weapons (A.W.) debacle in California. It was of course registered in my name at that time and has remained so. However, I missed the opportunity to get it grandfathered in by registering it as an A.W. before the cut off date in 2000... I was not tuned in to the changes in legislation at that time. It's been locked away with a broken firing pin for several years. Now, I'm interested in fixing it up and making it legal in C.A. Obviously, I'll be getting some 10 rd mags and a rebuild kit. I'm also thinking about a couple of mods to appease CA law enforcement; such as modifying the magazine release to require a tool and soldering or welding the threaded barrel protector on permanent. I'd prefer to buy a second non-threaded barrel if I could find one or buy and modify a replacement threaded barrel so as to preserve the ability to restore it to factory condition. If anyone has any experience with such mods, related suggestions, words of wisdom, etc... It'd be much appreciated.
How about a trade? Your threaded barrel for my non-threaded barrel?
My barrel has less than 2000 rounds through it. No cosmetic flaws, good black oxide finish.
I'm in AZ and the threaded barrel would be cool to have.
****LOOKING TO BUY TEC-22 or TEC-9****
I have owned one of these little jewls in the past and for some reason or another, I sold it and now, 8 years latterI am wanting another one. If anyone has one that they want to sell, I am very interested in purchasing it.
****I am also looking for a Tec-9. It doesnt matter which model of Tec-9 it is. Same goes for the Tec-22, it can be the sport or the Scorpian. I live in NC.
Looking for a tec-22 for sale in Washington (preferably west side near Seattle). Looking for one in good condition that shoots (but am fine with poor condition as long as it shoots)
If you are selling a TEC-22 please e-mail me. I will pay a reasonable price for a good working gun. E-mail me at
can anybody tell me how to remove the barrel out of my tec-22
to remove the barrel you have to remove the pin screw holding the top on
remove top and trigger housing
if you dont want to damage the plastic make a jig i used a piece of wook cut to fit inside of mag well with a hole drilled in it for the barrel to fit through
a large clamp press till you hear a pop the barrel will come out easily
i have had several tec 22's
the scorpion, tec and sport
i use butler creek steel lips ruger factory and mwg magazines
ammo is cci everything(blazers,mini-mags,standard,stinger and velocitor) not 1 jam ftf or fte or stovepipe) they function flawlessly.
only problem is the firing pin they keep breaking
i also polished the rear of the bolt(hammer meets bolt) the hammer(< see previous) where hammer and trigger meet the top part of trigger round bottom of hammer
I have an Intratec sport 22LR I'm selling.Fired once, like brand new.
Make me an offer that I can't refuse.
Anybody other than SKS Parts have firing pins available? I bought one a few years back, from I forgot who, for around $9 online. I would really rather not pay $30 for one now. I just want a spare, and a spare firing ping spring. Thanks for any help.
i jsut purchased a tec-22 from a local dealer, came with a 25rd,the stock 10 rd,and i purchased another 25rd butler creek clip...anyhow im looking for a place that has parts/accessories for them...any websites that arent sold out etc would be awesome....thanks in advance...also.. i pick it up monday and dont recall if it was threaded barrel or not...any place sell the threaded barrel?
email me at
they have fake supressors for sale and muzzle breaks
i tried the butter knife firing pin and it works great
kudos to the guy who thought this up
100 rounds and no problems yet
Ok, whats the butterknife firing pin thing? How do you make a firing pin out of a butterknife?
At Monday, October 16, 2006 8:13:00 PM, Anonymous said...
To the person with the broken firing pins, and the other with the missing pin spring: I also broke my firing pin, and in the process of fixing it, lost the spring. I ended op cutting down a spring from a bbq grill lighter(it doesn't take much tension, and the lighter was a dollar at the dollar store) and for the firing pin, I actually made one with a drimmel tool with a cut-off wheel out of a stainless steel knife blade. Works sweet. no more breaks. machine fairly slow and often dry fit and you shouldn't have to heat temper. use old pin as a template. Make sure the grain of the steel runs longways with the blade. Hope I could be of some assistance to someone.
my firing pin spring was bent whin the firing pin broke just made a pin out of a butterknife and a spring out of a regular lighter
spring from a bic is a little bigger(not much) and a spring from a cheap lighter the one who's flame is super small wont strike the spring is the same diameter as the original
all work great test fired 10 rounds no problems next test 500 round box till gone will update
Just bid on and won a tec-22. I'll report back after I get it and go to the range...
Need to replace or fix the original black 30 rd. banana style magazine. The spring broke. I have not found factory style chips yet. I have not tested my 10/22 clips yet. They are see through and strait. I don't want someone seeing who many rounds I have left. Any ideas on a fix for the original magazines or a similar replacement? I hate to pay $50 for a clip, when I bought the gun new for $140. I may consider selling it , if another gun purchase comes through in the next couple months. contact me at
additional info. the Tech .22 is clean. I'm guessing fired less than 600-700 rounds total. Started Jaming more often in the last 100 rounds. I think it needed cleaned and lubed. Plus, I always used cheap ammo. And I'm going to assume the weak spring in the magazine was part of the issue. I tried a box of 100 CCi my bro gave me and it seemed to help the problem much, until the spring in the clip broke. I kept it fully loaded all of the time. It has been stored in it's case since. Send me offers if you want, but, like I said I may not even consider the sale if I don't get the gun I'm looking into at the price I want.
just tried 3 different butler creek mags, they don't seem to be locking in place in the receiver... if you wiggle them back and forth they will come right out... anyone know of a brand that locks in place? thanks
tactical innovations mwg butler creek steel lips if none of these work
then replace your magazine catch
TEC-22, new, still in case, one clip, scorpian, best offer, pictures on request.
i have found that the Ramline mags, lock in place and work well... i believe the factory mags were made by ramline and relabeled by intratec.... they are identical
I just got a Tec 22. The barrel seems to rotate left and right a small amount when threading on my Suppressor. Is this normal? how do I fix it?
to the guy that says he doesnt want to use his clear mags because of someone knowing how many rounds he has spray paint will solve that problem
I use cci mjni mags, fires ok with original and with hot lips as long as the clip is snug and pulled forward while firing, otherwise I will get a couple jams out of a full clip. Maybe each gun has its own qwirks. I will be selling for best offer, I'll stick with my 9mm.
to the guy whos barrel rotates ehen threading on suppressor
i had three of them and they all rotated when threading on flash hider
Anyone interested in a TEC 22 scope rail made from the original intratec pattern, give me shout. I have pictures I can send from past projects. I'm getting into them again. High quality, anodized, 6061 aluminum that fit the way the original did. I do modify them to be a little bit, better fit though.
I had a problem with mags not seating properly, pushing them forward caused them to fall out. I looked at the plastic feed lips and saw that they prevented the mag from being pushed up all the way. A couple of strokes with a file across the lips cured the problem and the mags seat fine now.
BTW, I find the CCI Mini Mags work great in my TEC.
Have a good one!
my tec 22 only shoots one at a time
i have the 30rd ramline clip and im using .22 lr cci sub sonic low noise ammo i want it to rapid fire what am i doing wrong or is it broken?
i am looking for broken or problematic tec-22's, i need some parts to fix mine, and they're not parts that you can find on any websites... let me know what you got... or if anyone out there has an extra complete bolt assembly, let me know. thanks
I have a tec .22 for sale at auction see
i have a tec .22 for sale
pics available on check in the central florida area
with flash suppressor
brand new mag
hard carry case
looking for best offer
can someone tell me how to make this thing fully auto?
Maybe, but not here......
Mr. C.
Any valid links to find barrel accessories (extension, break etc) for a Tec-22? has Fake Suppressors for the Tec 22 and many other firearms.
my tec doesnt fire im wondering if somthing dropped out wen i opened it its loading and everything properlying any help would be greatly appriciated
Aaron, is there a spring for the firing pin? Mine popped out while field cleaning once, took me a while to figure out why my tec would not fire. I have heard the spring out of a BIC lighter make a good replacement.
i think i still cant see the spring but maybe sumthing is wrong with the spring should i strech it a little bit or just take it out n clean it????
I have owned 3 Tec-22's (and was dumb enough to sell 2 of them). All three have a common problem when it comes to magazines - although they lock into the magazine well, they're loose. If you grab the magazine a rock it rearwards, the gun will jam every time, however, if you rock the bottom of the magazine forwards, it feeds more reliably. This tends to point the next round into the chamber, as opposed to pointing it at the face of the barrel. I have soome older Ram Line 50-round mags, and as long as I hold the mag this way, they work fine (also gives a second handhold).
I am looking to buy a Tec-22. If any of you have one that you are wanting to get rid of, Please email me! I can only pay with PayPal or credit card.
Email me
I am looking to buy a magazines for a intratec scorpion 22lr
my email is
A link to the original manual.
I am looking to buy a tec 22, preferably Scorpion but possibly the Sport as well. I am in NC and my email is
i've had this gun for a long time now-mine had the original firing pin that did not need a spring in it(or some one made it).we all know these little gun's tend to jam alot-if it's not the ammo then it's the clip or the gun needs to be cleaned or all three. well here is what cured mine.on ammo-cci stingers and mini mags-two reasons has enough kick back to fully eject spent round and the rim is fat so the ejector has no problem catching it. keep gun the magazine's-here's the part that i've spent most of my money on and was not happy at all-stay away from butler creek clips,eagle clips,ruger clips-the one you want is made by ram line because i never had a problem with the original factory clip till it started to break then the jamming started but i found out that ram line made the original clips went to the gun shop bought a ram line 50 rounder went to the rang filled her up with stinger's and let her rip flawlessly not one jam or hang up.with the ram-line mags use cci ammo stinger-mini mags in the tactical inc mag you can use all the cheap stuff and works perfectly to get the tactical inc mags go to or and cost about $60 and for tec-22 parts go to or and yes it has to be spelled, hope this help's anyone with the tec 22 jamming curse. if anyone has a question for me you can find me at the forum page on my name is khaleb
I am looking to buy a tec-22 if any one has one for sale e-mail me at i will pay up to 350 for one thank u.
I have a Tec-22 and have had problems with extraction since I got it. I purchased all types of ammo in all price ranges. The only one that works with mine flawlessly is the Peter's brand. I know I know, it's a dirty round but my tec loves it and doesn't have anymore extraction problems and it's cheap!!!. I have since purchased another one just to compare them side by side and that one loves the Peter's brand as well. Also,I may be willing to sell my other tec-22 for the right price.
I have an Intratec 22 for sale. I haven't shot it in about 10 years because I broke the firing pin so I ordered two firing pins and apparently (I didn't know until recently) that I lost the firing pin spring. Anyways it has a brand new spare firing pin and now two spare firing pin springs a 10 round clip and a 50 round clip. $400 shipped or $375 if you pick it up. 814-671-5131
Does anyone have any info about I have read some horror stories about non-existant customer service, and from some posts above it sounds like their hammers (for Tec22) don't fit very well.
ATTN: To all please stop asking how to make the tec burst or go fully its illegal unless you go trough the proper paper work and pay a tax stamp. and on i'v never had any problems getting parts from them i've gotten tec-9 and 22 firing pins from them a kg-99 upper with black crinkle coat finish a tactical inc tec-22 mag i've never gotten a t-22 hammer from them so i don't know bout that one, and the only thing you gotta do to get your tec-22 to run flawlessly is to keep the charging handle screwed tight to bolt because if loose can give the firing pin to much play and can cause the pin to break i didn't tighten mine last rang trip and it split down the middle, so keep them tight in place and use ram-line mag's with cci ammo or tactical inc mag's with the cheap ammo, and one more thing if you have a tec-9 try not to use the safety to much when cocked back the reason why-is when doing so you are pushing the charging handle down in safety position it's hitting the very tip of the firing pin witch i have heard are hollow or just very weak if done to much will shorten the life of the firing pin, one more thing NEVER use WOLF ammo in the tec-9 even if it is 115 grain it jacked up two of my mag's and the upper the ball bearing popped out and i had to tweak my mag's so they would work again from what i can gather russian powders aren't that good
The threads seem to be coarse thread 1/2,no doubt so you have to buy factory cosmetic add-ons,any one make an adapter for this to make it standard fine thread 1/2x28?
Found a rifle I really want and I'm willing to sell my tec-22 for $350 shipped or $300 ftf. Comes with a spare firing pin, a spare firing pin spring, two 50 round clips, and one 10 round clip.
oh yeah I'm zorro700 and my number is still 814-671-5131
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My Tec-22 is a Scopin pre ban meaning the barrel has a screw on end cap. Its yours for $300. Comes with Eagle 10 round clip, maybe that's why it jams? Serial Number is 80680. email or call 636-936-0960 in St. Louis area. Give FLL addresses if gun is to be shipped.
Live in Southeast Texas. Have Tec-22 i purchased new some time around 1997.
Ready to sell,contact by email.And for more info.
From Kentucky with love... a VERY NICE pre-ban TEC-22 for sale....Serial number 41811 with threaded barrel, screw on extension and forehand grip...Just don't have a need anymore for the gun in my collection...will sell for $350 and buyer pays shipping costs....
Let me know if you'd like to see a pic...
I am in Houston. I have like new TEC-22 Scorpian For Sale $350. Not sure if ever fired. have case, 24 Shot Mag and a 30 Shit Mag with it.Would trade S&W 38 Chief Special
or 410 Coach Gun, or a Bond 410-45 Darringer. I am not a dealer but can arrange for one to Handle the sale..or come Pick it up. Call Larry 281 235-3901 Buyer Pays The Shipping
i just broke my extractor any reliable part place for tec 22
i need info. on getting my class2 lincese. i want to convert my 10/22 into fully auto but leagally. have land to go play. plz. let me know cost classes etc.
e mail me at
I have 2 Tec 22s for sale. I also have 2 extra new factory firing pins. The whole package for $500. My email address is
Can somebody post a pic, or a good description of the firing pin spring? I lost mine when my pin broke, and want to try and fabricate a new one, but I cant quite figure out how it is supposed to fit. Does it fit into the lowest grove of the firing pin, set inside the block, or in the top notch? Maybe if no pics are available, a good measurement? Thanks for all the great info so far. This is about the only place on the net to get info on the Tec 22
I have a Tec-9 that I am wanting to sale or trade. I would trade for a Tec-22 with threaded barrel in good condition and in good shooting condition. If you want to trade even, you would have to pay for the shipping of both guns. Mine is in really good shape and fires great also. It has a 32 round clip and has the threaded barrel. If you want to buy mine stright out, it would have to be done via a FFL dealer/holder. I have one here where I live that I deal with. I am asking for a straight out price of $485.00 Or Best Offer and $20.00 shipping. You can contact me for photos of my gun at and I will need to see photos of yours if you want to trade.
how do i make my tec 22 fully auto
Contact a class III gunsmith. It will require a background check, some other paperwork, and I think a $500 ATF fee.
I am selling my Intratec Tec-22 Scorpion. This pistol does exhibit the FTF issues that are common with this model, however if somebody has the knowhow to get this gun shooting properly, they may be interested. It will come complete with hard case, two butler creek 25/22 magazines, manual and screw on flash suppressor. I will sell everything for $300, and it must be a local sell in Las Vegas, with transfer at the metro police department in order to transfer blue card.
For more info or for pictures contact me at
I have a Sport-22 for sale or trade. New in the box with manual. It has never been fired. I'm open to offers. Send pic's if looking to trade. Contact me at:
to the guy looking to make his gun legal in CA i have a non threaded barrel i will trade you for your barrel even up. this would help us both. My email is if your still looking i see it's been awhile since your last post so i might be talking to a wall!
Thanks for all the good posts. I was able to make a firing pin out of a butter knife and the spring from a mini bic lighter. I taped the firing pin together so I could trace the pattern with a razor blade. The razor scored the stainless steel remarkably well. I used a “metal” cut off wheel to cut the pattern out and then used a file to finish the edges. The butter knife I used was fatter at one end so I shaved it down on the grinding wheel so it was a uniform thickness. I then used half of the spring out of a mini bic lighter. It was perfect, because I lost the first half after disassembling it for a final cleaning and needed to use the second half. This took me 4 hours to complete and that included the trip to the hardware store to buy a cut off wheel and a mini bic lighter. I put 200 rounds through it and I think it works better than before and I can’t imagine that this firing pin will ever break.
For the other guy and others who need help installing the spring. Place the firing pin in the bolt, place the operating handle on top of the firing pin. Lift up on the rear of the operating handle while holding the front down. Slide the spring in under the handle as far as you can. With the tip of a small allen wrench press the rear of the spring in while pressing down on the operating handle, then reinstall the screw. To check you work, press on the rear of the firing pin. It should spring back with ease. Good luck
My dad gave me my Tec-22 years never worked right..ever. i had all but given up on it untill i found this out....the ejector pin is molded into the trigger block's too short...lenghten it by 10mm...i used a piece of razor bladed dremilled to shape and secured with epoxy......over 500 rounds now of ammo and not one failure. If anyones interested i can explain how to make the intractec tec-22 scorpion operate flawlessly with any ammo or magazine. my email is I will help for free! This is a very easy fix, on a cool little plinker and is a blast now that it functions properly. Try this if your tec-22 malfunctions all the time wont be sorry
I have a preban Tec-22 with threaded barrel. Would like to know if anyone still sells the fix video mentioned at the beginning of the thread or if anyone is interested in buying it.
if any1 has a tec22 4 sale please email me at
Ok, I still cant figure out this firing pin spring thing. I broke open a small Bic and the spring under the part that you hold down to light the lighter is to big to fit into the channel where the firing pin sits. Am I using the wrong pin? Does anybody know who has firing pin springs in stock? I found SKS parts, but if I remember right they have a minimum order, and charge more in shipping than the price of the pin.
Thanks for any help.
If anybody is in La or Ms and has Tec parts, let me know.
Can someone give me the measurements of the firing pin spring so I can try and fab one? Thanks
The firing pin return spring on a tec-22 is: 0.5" inch long and the diamiter is no bigger round then the grove cut in the bolt that hold the firing pin and spring.
I have a tech 22 and I have a problem finding parts where should I look?
how much
I have a nice Intratec 22 Scorpion (threaded barrel tip) with 3 clips.
I have a tec 22 i got from a storage locker i bought i live in california and cant register it so i want to sell it for parts it fires and then has to be cocked again best offer willing to let it go for cheap im in southern california
Can somene give me the dimensions to the firing pin? I just picked up my tec22 with a threaded barrel for 60 bucks last week. Its been in my buddies attic four a few years now
Go here for parts:
I should be picking up mine on Monday and can get some dimensions to you if you are looking to make your own...Firing pins are good for about 1500 rds...I know this because I owned one back when they first came out and had to have Intratec replace 3 of them. It's a design flaw. The narrow part of the pin where the return spring is placed in conjunction with where the pin makes contact with the rim of the cartridge along with where the hammer strikes the pin...These conditions cause the pin to break at the return spring cut-out toward the front. Whether a better material is used for making the pin helps, I don't know. I made one of A2 tool steel that was also thick than the original and it broke even sooner. Though I must add that it may not have been heat treated properly at Starrett's where my mother worked at the time. They were told to heat treat to about 55 rockwell and draw it back to 40-45...No clue if that was done right. I will be re-designing a new firing pin that will move the return spring to a new location which will allow the pin to be thicker at the point where the it breaks. If you make your own, make sure you put good radius' at the return spring cut-out.
Yeah defeintly post those dimensions for me if you can. Iif they break that much I would much rather make my own. How do they shoot? Also what kinds accessories do they have for these such as muzzle brakes and scope mounts?
Measurements are from end that strikes the rim...this is the front of the pin. ( AOL is 2.300 ) ( 4.90 at front ) ( .370 at back ) ( From top 1.545 to cut-out, cut-out dimensions are from 1.545 measurement and top of pin ) ( .160 down at .460 long ) ( .070 from TOP at .600 long for step-up ) ( .425 from front to angle cut ) ( .845 from front to end of angle cut which is to .370 dimension ) Firing pin thickness is .075 to .085max ( From .290 down top/front pin narrows .030 to .035 thickness to bottom and .125 long )
Correction and clarification:
( .490 at front ) ( maintain the .490 dimension for .425 to where an angled cut will start ) ( the .030 to .035 narrow section that strikes the rim is .200 in length from bottom of pin )
found a barrel extension for my tec 22 scopion but do not have a threaded barrel. I bought a barrel end with a half inch by 32tpi and it is too big. Is there anyone who can tell me what is the size or the threaded barrel.
Don't waste your money on ANY DVD. Goto youtube and search tec-22 DVD review. The guy will tell what a junk video it is.
The real problem with the Tec-22 is it truely is a junk firearm. Check the front pivot point for cracks in the plastic (very common). Also many of the firing problems can be attributed to the receiver cover not keeping the firing pin down in the bolt. The cover gets bowed and worn and allows the bolt and firing pin to ride up.
Magazine fitment is EVERYTHING with FTF and FTE issues. Best I have found is the Butler Creek with steel lips.
I buy broken Tec-22's email me at - springer(at)
I happen to own this gun and it's a realy fun gun to go out and fool around with. It works exceptionly well with the butler creek 10/22 25 rnd hot lips magazines. My boy has a rugar 10/22 carbine and the butlar creek magazines seem to function realy well with it too.
Hi! I have had my Tec-22 pistol for the last 10+ years and it has had firing pin problems (NEVER DRY FIRE!)ammo problems (LOVES CCI STINGERS!)and it keeps on going with regular up keep! Does anyone know if a buttstock from a VZ61 SCORPION will fit this gun with a SBR registration with ATFE? Please let me know where to find parts for the conversion? Thanks!
Anyone have any experience with I bought all new parts for the inside of the gun now the thing won't shoot at all. I can see where the hammer is hitting on the slide spring. I put the old parts back in and it shoots "almost fine. I have been throng to contact them and they don't want to do anything to help..
Anyone that is interested in buying a tec-22 shoot me a email, I probably have the nicest most complete tec you will ever see.. This gun looks brand new, I have the original case the original manual and everything I even have the original recipte from 1991 well shoot me a email at put tec-22 in the subject line. I have a PayPal account with a very high rating along with eBay and car sites that I have sold a ton of stuff on.
I have a BRAND NEW, NEVER FIRED (except at the factory) Tec-22. Original case, magazine and manual. I am the original owner--bought in CA in the pre-ban days (1990's?). I'm located in Illinois now. I'm looking to sell it for $350+. If interested, send me an email:
Does anyone know of a good source to buy a Tec-22 bolt? I just bought two Tec-22s that both work great but one is missing the bolt.
I have 2 Intratec Scorpion TEC-22 non-threaded barrels FOR SALE in almost new condition. Maybe on a scale from 1-10 they are probably a 9 ½. They have the original boxes, tags, one original manual and original magazine. I wanting to get about $325 each or $600 for both. I have never fired them, and I got them at a gun show in a trade. I just have no need for them and am looking to sell them. They need to go through a dealer on my end, and also sent to a dealer on your end. So any of that expense would also need to be picked up by the buyer. If interested, send me an email:
So you can turn your tec-22 into a tec-9 just by changing a few parts?
"So you can turn your tec-22 into a tec-9 just by changing a few parts?"
No. A Tec 9 is a 9mm semi auto pistol. The Tec 22 is a .22 caliber semi auto pistol. They do not share any parts.
I 13 year old figured that out. No more jams although good amo does help.
Wondering if anyone has solved the slam fire issue with the tech-22. I have tried extensively to fix this issue without any success. I have tried new parts and modifing old ones. If you hold down the trigger while cocking then release it after the bolt has closed it will fire. It seems to miss the hammer sear upon release. Holding the hammer and slowing it down with your finger allows it to function properly but in real time it will not catch. Effectively the hammer will follow the bolt upon firing and either double or fail to fire. Has anyone redesigned the trigger geometry??
Hopefully someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I have a pre ban tec 22 that was lent to a now ex-friend who took it to his camp (It work perfectly when it left)Upon getting it back it would fire a round when you pull the trigger then load the 2nd round but wasn't cocked and you have to eject a good round to cock it again. I thought that maybe the hammer broke on it so I bought a new one. This hammer did not seem to fit correctly so I tried grinding it to make it work. I am now on my third hammer and now it will double tap and then not be cocked for the third round. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
I have an issue with the bolt. It is binding against the top cover. No modifications were made to the internals. The trigger group pushes the bolt up and there is enough drag to prevent to from moving back enough after firing, even with cci stinger ammo.
Tried oil, grease,dry. The screw holding the charging piece is tight. Any ideas?
Its a part of your trigger group I've dealt with the same problem I can't be exact without looking at it but I hope that helps
Its a "RIM" fire its not supposed to.
I have a tec 22 sport that i would sale if someone offered the right amount of money. Contact me at
im having the same problem. I think the firing pin missing or broken
I am looking for an operating handle for an intratec 22. contact grady @
Tell me how to stop my tec 22 jamming
Use the highest velocity 22lr ammo you can find,
Make sure the extractor is in good condition,
use Ram-line or Ruger box mags,
open the ejection port,
decrease the main spring tension,
slightly ramp the barrel in line with the next round to be chambered,
sand the firing blade to give it a little more travel. And that's it voila!
The most fun you can have with a 22lr pistol.
I bought one brand new when they first came out and it just didn't work. Always jammed, and the ammunition would be ruined. Took it to a couple gun smiths a couple times and they'd get it working just about until I put 20rds through it.
Highly disappointed in this purchase.
Both work great but one is missing a bolt
Joesales Do you have two tec22 for sale?
Does anyone else have a problem getting the tec 22 out of safety? Mine just won't budge! Does anyone have a solution? Thanks
I just wanted to save anyone who is having jamming problems with the Tec-22. I bought a hand milled magazine from Tactical Solutions for my Ruger Tact-22. I tried it with my Tec-22 and it fit and was really snug. It has not misfired once since then. They have them now for about $70. It is well worth the investment.
I wanted to see if anyone has an idea as to mounting a red dot scope on my Tec-22. I bought a rail and was going to drill holes in the top plate to install it, but I wondered if that were a good idea. Has anyone tried this?
Needing a bcg
I just acquired one of these beauties. Let's see how it behaves.
The tech-22 in a nutshell:
1. get a ruger bx25 magazine. It has a builtin ejector and metal lips. As long as the extractor isnt completely worn out your good. Make sure the magazine is seated completely and pushed forward.
2. Use only high quality ammo. CCI, Remington, Aguilla, Winchester that have a wide rim base so the extractor has something to grab.
3. Keep the weapon cleaned and lubed. I like the remington Nitro CLP and leave it a little wet. If it is stove piping on you and the round is hard to extract then clean clean clean your barrel and refer to #2.
4. The firing pin will break. Either buy new ones of tool steel quality or the broken one can be welded back together with a good nickel rod. I welded mine and have not had a single problem since even after dry firing a hundred times. If you lose the spring, one can be easily fab'd from a bic lighter flint spring.
5. Can it be made full auto closed bolt? absolutely. Open bolt? yes with much fab work. No FFL conversion = unwanted living conditions and shitty food. Just buy the autoburst trigger system
6. caution mounting any rails to the top cover so as not to have anything protruding that will foul the bolt.
Most tec22 are semi auto unless converted to an open bolt.
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