Grampa Pinhead's Birthday

Head on over HERE and wish him a Happy Birthday.
Reasons I Like a J Frame in My Pocket
1. It's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
2. I never have to wonder if a round is chambered.
3. It will fire with the muzzle pressed into ribs.
4. There is no safety to disengage.
5. I never have to worry about keeping it covered.
6. I can discreetly have my hand on my gun while assessing a situation.
Boudreaux and Thibodeaux and dey friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, Boudreaux returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck.
The latest Carnival of Liberty is up over at Left Brain Female in a Right Brain World.
Just a short reminder to let you all know that the e-Postal handgun match "Seein' Spots" ends tonight, November 21st., at midnight Siberian Standard time, or there abouts.
When I went in to WalMart for my National Ammo Day purchases, there, stacked high up on top of some shelving near the gun counter, I spied these.
The Carnival of Cordite is up!
This from the BBC:
Jerry the Geek at Cogito Ergo Geek has posted a long article and a bunch of videos from the latest IPSC match in Albany, Oregon.
Here's the basic description from their website:
While cruising around Mostly Cajun's site I just came across the best summary of what's going on over in Iraq I've seen. Weapons, tactics, what's working, what's not working, the whole story.
Hello all.....
For 230 years, November 10 has marked the birthday of The United States Marine Corps. Each year, all of us at mark this November day with a salute, a thank you and special birthday tribute.Click HERE to go to the video presentation wishing the Marines "Happy Birthday".
Please join us as we celebrate the USMC with a special birthday "Ooh-Rah!"
Semper Fi,
Bob Parsons
President & Founder
All contents copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 and beyond, unless otherwise noted