No on I-594 Seattle Rally
A week or so ago I spent most of Saturday at a rally against Washington State Initiative I-594. The rally was held at Westlake Park in downtown Seattle. There was a pretty good turnout, perhaps 250-300 folks, and there were several interesting speakers.
Unfortunately, Bloomberg, Paul Allen, and a few other rich guys have poured over ten million bucks into passing this severely anti-gun initiative, and the rest of us just haven't got the money to compete with them and their wallets. However, there is another initiative, I-591, which will help to blunt the damage caused by I-594. I-594 will do nothing to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals, since they usually either steal, or buy stolen guns, they don't buy their guns from FFL dealers or at gun shows.
Vote YES on I-591, and Vote NO on I-594
Here's some of the pictures I took.
This was probably the safest place in Seattle that day!!