Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Mr. Completely September e-Postal Results

The results are in, and Billl showed us all the way. Great shootin' Bill!

Billl 1 Ruger Mk. I .22LR 11
Mr. Completely 1 High Standard/OKO Dot .22LR 10
Mrs True Blue Sam 1 Ruger 22/45 Lite .22LR 8
Merle 1 SSS .22LR 6
True Blue Sam 1 Ruger Mk. III Target .22LR 4
True Blue Sam 1 Bearcat Shopkeeper .22LR 3
True Blue Sam 1 Ruger Single 10 .22LR 2
True Blue Sam 1 Ruger 22/45 Hunter .22LR 1
Merle 2 TC .22LR .22LR 4
Merle 3 CZ-82 9mm MAK 3
Merle 4 TC 9mm. 9mm. 7
Merle 5 Enfield .38/200 7
Merle 5 M625 .45ACP 5

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