It was an interesting morning this morning, wandering around the floor of the shot show looking for new exciting and interesting stuff, and taking a picture or so to put up here on the blog. One of the things that I have specifically been looking for was the new Smith and Wesson 9 mm eight shot revolver named the 929. I first heard about this new revolver several weeks ago on Sascha Back's blog from Germany. If you haven't had a look at Sascha's blog you can find the link over there on the right on the sidebar. The new 929 looks very nice but I suspect it is way out of my budget. Nonetheless, I'm sure there are shooters out there who can't wait to get their hands on one. It should be an outstanding revolver for steel shooting.
Also, in the Smith & Wesson booth I ran into Molly Smith and Randi Rogers. both of them now are sponsored shooters for Smith and Wesson.
As I continued to wander around the show, it was amazing to see the large variety of new and interesting guns and accessories of every shape and size you can possibly imagine. I got a chance to visit with Neil Hogue of Hogue grips fame about using Hogue grips on the new Ruger 10/22 rifle stock that I am developing and hope to soon have in full production. Neil's products have always been a very high quality, and the rubber finger groove grip that we are planning to use is especially comfortable and fits to your hand beautifully.
My next stop was at the FIOCCHI ammunition booth To say hi to Jackie and the gang and tell them how much I like their rimfire ammunition and how much I appreciate being sponsored by such a nice company with such good products. Jackie told me that she would be sending me a new contract of sponsorship for next year! I really like their ammunition, as it seems to be very reliable and runs well in my rimfire race guns.
I stopped at the Italian firearms group (IFG) booth and got a chance to visit with Massimo Tanfoglio, the man behind the Tanfoglio line of pistols. Plans are apparently a foot to expand service and distribution of the Tanfoglio line here in the United States. I have always liked the guns, but support has been marginal. It sounds like that problem is in the process of being resolved. WOO HOO!!
Mr. Massimo Tanfoglio and I in the IFG Booth. |
I stopped and said hello to Charlie Brown at MKS supply. Charlie is the importer and distributor for a number of different firearms. He also is the head guy behind Hi-Point firearms. MKS supply is one of our major sponsors at the gun blogger Rendezvous.
I popped in to the CZ booth (which was really busy) just to say hi to Angus and Rob. Angus is the head of the custom shop for CZ. Angus is also not only an outstanding shooter, he is also one of the most interesting and colorful characters you could ever hope to meet!
Right now I am sitting in the press room, and have just about finished my cup of coffee. My feet are definitely starting to hurt, and I still have two days to go. I suspect tonight is going to be an early to bed tonight to give my feet as much rest as possible! I have no idea just how many miles I walk through the course of an entire SHOT show, but it's a lot, and almost entirely on concrete.
In the Glock booth I got a chance to visit a bit with KC Eusebio and he is planning on attending this year's European steel challenge championships in May like he did last year. It is possible that this year Tori Nonaka, who also shoots for Glock, may make the trip too.
The shot show is an amazing experience, and in some ways it is like a giant family reunion where I get the chance to meet and visit with a large number of very nice people that I only see once or twice a year.
Well, the coffee cup is just about empty, so it is time to pack it in and get back onto the show floor as there is still two or three hours of show left today.
I do not know if I will have chance for an additional post today as the press room may be closed. If not, I will try to get another post and some more pictures up tomorrow.
Stay tuned!