e-Postal Match News

The e-Postal match series is starting up on the 1st. of March, and the first match will be hosted right here by yours truly. We will have one match a month clear through next November.
For those of you unfamiliar with the e-Postal match series, here's how it works: Each month a different gun blog will host the match. The host will think up the target and make it available for download. You can usually expect something challenging, harder than it looks, and more often than not like something you've never seen before! In short, lots of fun!
The rules and course of fire will be on the host's blog. You download the target, print out the rules, and head out to the range. After shooting the targets, you either scan them, or take a digital picture of them, and email them to the e-Postal match host. Once the match is closed, the host will tabulate the scores and post them on the host's blog. What do you win? Nothing but bragging rights, so that tends to keep everyone honest!
However, this year we have a big surprise! Cheaper Than Dirt (You DO follow their website for good ammo prices, accessories, their blog, and a ton of other resources, don't you?) has generously donated a $50 gift certificate to each month's e-Postal match, to be awarded by random drawing to one of that month's entrants. Still no incentive to fudge on your scores, but quite an incentive to send in several entries, each shot with a different gun, of course!
All the details will be with the rules on the first match of the year, coming up right here in a few weeks.
Labels: e-Postal Matches
Hey, Mr. C, you got any openings left for hosting a match?
That's downright nice of them
Now this is a nice surprise!!!
Looking forward to the coverage!
Are airguns Ok?
Airguns? Can't see why not! If it has enough power to punch a hole in the target it should work just fine. If you can get at least four airgun entries I'll even make a class for them......
Mr. C.
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