Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bulltown Shootout - Cowboy Fast Draw

Here is bulltown while being set up for the shootout. It has store fronts for a bank, saloon, jail and fire dept. There are places to shoot Cowboy Action behind the buildings.

The guns are out and cocked but haven't quite gone off yet. All four lights are on, don't remember who won this round.

After four wins in a row, there were some noises about restoring competition. That's Ron M being invited to look at the view.

Just got back from the Cowboy Fast Draw at Bulltown, Montana. Bulltown is a fictitious town near Roundup, MT about 60 miles north of Billings that was built just for Cowboy shooting. Cowboy Action is shot out the back of several buildings and at locations around the store fronts. The fast draw was held (where else) out in the street and started just before high noon.

Bulltown is about 400 miles from where Mr. Completely was, at the Missoula pin shoot. Yes, Montana is a big State.

This was the first Cowboy Fast Draw contest held in Montana and some of the fastest guns from several states took up the challenge. turned out to be quite a shootout. Some of these guys are scary fast. With times to draw, fire and hit the target in the .4 second range.

The final man standing was Ron M and this is his fourth win in a row. Idaho State, Nationals, World, and now Montana.

Like the old cowboys said, "Fast is nice and impressive but accurate is final." Ron is both.

Post submitted by DAMIPHINO


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