Project Valour-IT Blogger Teams

Here's the team members so far:
Navy (join this team)
*Team Leader; The Indepundit
Mr. Completely
Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Neptunus Lex
Fuzzilicious Thinking
Snark Patrol
Da Goddess
Thoughts by Seawitch
The Jawa Report
Vince Aut Morire
Merri Musings
Boudicca's Voice
Captain's Quarters
Froggy Ruminations
Infinite Monkeys
The American Princess
Air Force (join this team)
*Team Leader; The Mudville Gazette
Speed of Thought
Jawa Report
Conservative Thinking
Ugly American
Small Town Veteran
Euphoric Reality
My Side of the Puddle
The Air Force Pundit
Banter In Atlanter
The Middle Ground
Confessions of a Jesus Phreak
Kicking Over My Traces
Backcountry Conservative
Ipso Facto Cartoon Blog
The Flomblog
No Angst Zone
Decision '08
Army (join this team)
*Team Leader; BLACKFIVE
Target Centermass
Not Exactly Rocket Science
mr. blackandwhite
The Pumpkin Spy
The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
When the Smoke Clears
Laughing Wolf
Keep My Soldier Safe
Iraq War Today
Sgt Hook
Blonde Sagacity
Southern By Blog!!
The Lincoln Park Regulars
The Makaha Surf Report
New Lives
Marines (join this team)
*Team Leader; Soldiers' Angel - Holly Aho
Stop the ACLU
My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Welcome to My World
Politics of a Patriot
The Gun Line
Alabama Watch
Portia Rediscovered
Common Sense Runs Wild
Right Wing Sparkle
Big Dog's Weblog
My Newz'n Ideas
Maxed Out Mama
Gunn Nutt
Soldiers Angels Germany
Righty in a Lefty State
Flight Pundit
You Big Mouth, You!
A Blog for All
Drunken Wisdom
Straight White Guy
Is This Life?
holly testing stuff
Christian Fiction
Tammi's World
The Word Unheard
Balance Sheet
Hardcore Conservative
If you've joined one of the teams and I've missed you, send me an email and I'll get you onto the list. Thanks!
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