Project Valour-IT's Fundraising Competition

Project Valour-IT's Fundraising Competition...
Project Valour-IT is a project providing voice-controlled laptop computers to soldiers with wounds that prevent the use of conventional computers.
For the purposes of friendly competition, teams are divided along U.S. military branches.
We have chosen to join Team NAVY, but you can donate to whichever team you like, or all of them, for that matter! The money all goes into the same fund at the end.
The competition is a friendly game to see who can raise the most, but all the money ends up in the same place: Project Valour-IT.
Our goal is to raise at least enough money to purchase and ship 30 laptops. That's about $21,000, or roughly $5250 per team over a 10-day span.
To Donate to "Team NAVY", or to the Army, Air Force, or Marines team, or to see how the teams are doing, have a look on the bottom of the right side bar. You can click on the appropriate button to make a PAYPAL donation to the team of your choice.
We all thank you for your donations!
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