Rimfire Roundup #4
Welcome, all, to Rimfire Roundup #4. Not too many submissions this week, but that's fine with me, as I will be heading down to Seattle tomorrow to speak at the Boeing Employee's Rifle and Pistol Club tomorrow night, and won't have much time to put a Rimfire Roundup together, so I'm doing it tonight.
Without further ado, "Away We Go!"
We'll start off with a Savage Model 6B rifle, Observation Post's very first rifle. It was also sold under the Stevens, Springfield and High Standard names, as well as various 'store brand names', such as Ranger and J. C. Higgins.
You might want to head over there for a stroll down memory lane!
Fugger Nutter at his blog of the same name, had a pile of assorted Ruger 10/22 parts, so he decided to assemble the parts and put together one rifle from all of the stuff he had kicking around.
Here's his result, a nice looking rifle all set up for "Silly-Wet" shooting, as he calls it.
He calls this one his "Frankenrifle".
Speaking of "First Guns", Ted at Musing's of an Old Man's first pistol was this Colt single action frontier scout .22 in LR. He bought it when he was 16, and took it everywhere and did everything with it. It was always his companion on every hunting excursion.
He still has it, and it looks like it's still in good condition!
After those Colt's it's about time for some Smith & Wesson's! Here's a full review and range report on Mr. Completely's S&W Model 422 with a custom scope mount and a red dot sight. It's hard to believe just how light this is, even with the red dot on it!

Here's another Smith & Wesson, this one belongs to USCitizen at Traction Control. The 22A's sight is an UltraDOT Pan-A-V. This is the 22A he used in the just concluded e-Postal Handgun match.
Well, that's about it for this week! Hope you enjoyed this week's Rimfire Roundup, brought to you commercial free and without interruption by the management and editorial staff of Mr. Completely!
Bloggers: Please send in your submissions for the Rimfire Roundup by next Tuesday night for inclusion in next week's Rimfire Roundup.
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