e-Postal Match Reminder

The current e-Postal Handgun/Rifle match ends this Monday night, so this is your last weekend to get some targets shot and entered.
Very few entries have come in so far, so it's wide open for you to have a shot (bad pun?) at the fame and glory!
There are four classes: Rimfire handgun, centerfire handgun, revolver, and rifle (Barrel not over 20"). Sights with magnification are not permitted, but red dot sights are OK.
Here's the rules and the downloadable target
Don't be bashful about sending in a low score. The target is a LOT harder than it looks, and high scores are very hard to come by!
Any of you bloggers that have a minute to mention the match, it would be greatly appreciated!
Any of you bloggers that have a minute to mention the match, it would be greatly appreciated!
Here's my humble "pass the word" post: targets.
Sounds like a hoot!
Mine are coming!!
Plus I got 3 others to try it too!!
I shot a perfect score (360) at the Nevada Senior Games with a B-27 target, so I figured I wouldn't have any trouble with this one.
Those little stars are HARD.
Thanks for taking the time to officiate these postal matches.
An article about my Seein' Stars shoot (and a shameless Blogroll Bleg) is here:
Thanks (I don't know how 220 points will hold up with competition) but, Thanks!
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