Handguns - Get A Grip
While wandering around the internet I came across a really well illustrated post at Glocktalk.com on handgun grip.
The author, IDPA Steyr, gives full authorization to use his photos and descriptions to help other shooters get better results with their handgunning. For this reason I have posted his entire article here, excluding the discussion thread following his article. All photos can be clicked for a larger view.
Here's the original article if you would like to read the discussion.
Article and photos by IDPA Steyr:
Grip Description:
Here is the grip I use while shooting. I transitioned to this grip 4 years ago after using a weaver grip for 25 years. It was a tough transition and took a lot of practice before it felt natural.
The grip is actually obtained at about stomach level, in front of the body.

The gun is placed in the soft portion of the web of the shooting hand. The web is placed high and as tight against the frame as possible.. This gets the bore of the gun low in the hand to allow the recoil pulse to be directed straight into the forearm. The reason recoil feels so low on the Steyr is the recoil pulse drives the gun lower into the hand instead of flipping the muzzle upward.

The firearm is aligned as straight with the shooting hand forearm as possible. This keeps the recoil pulse directed straight up the arm and prevents deflection of the gun.

The thumb of the support hand is pressed against the frame opposite the tip of the trigger finger. (This is extended along the frame at this point as the sights are not aligned on the target.)

The fingers of the support hand are rotated downward and wrapped tightly around the fingers of the shooting hand.

The proper grip, showing the support hand fingers wrapped around the shooting hand. (Don’t put the index finger of your support hand on the front of the trigger guard. It may look cool but accomplishes nothing.)

The proper grip showing the support hand thumb extending along the frame for control, and the thumb of the shooting hand resting on it to keep it high and tight to the back of the frame. Keep the tip of the thumb away from the slide release.
From this position, extend the gun toward the target, retaining a tight grip. This creates tension in your wrist, elbows, arm and shoulders that allow a complete “lock-out” of the shooting platform.
At this point, if you aren’t tired, try again because you don’t have it right. This grip takes a lot of effort and a lot of practice, but it works.
An unpaid model was used for this demonstration as I am left-handed and didn’t want anyone getting confused.
BTW - Don’t make fun of the way my gun looks…it still works very well!
Thanks to GlockTalk and IDPA Steyr for a job well done!
I'm sure I'm totally novice compared to most who visit, but it seems to me that the supporting hand is partially ineffective because of the thumb just floating in mid-air. Your model's thumb is right over the slide - so if it isn't floating, it's on the slide.
Thats the same grip I use, too. I works very, very well. The supporting thumb is generally placed on either the edge of the frame or the slide stop.
Great find, Mr. C!
I use the same grip, and you saw the results a rainy recent day with the little 9mm Kel-Tec....
Excellent Mr. C.
Very similar to the grip we teach. You might want to turn the weak hand down just a bit more, so the weak-hand thumb is pointing directly at the target. You'll get a better "weld" of both hands on the butt of the gun, and have better recoil control.
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