CWSA Pin Shoot Final Points Standings

As I had said throughout the season, the competition had been close at every match, and in every class. Here's how it all came out:
Rim Fire Optical Sight
1st. -- Mr. Completely (barely)
2nd. -- "Evil Al"
3rd. -- KeeWee (WOO HOO!!)
Rim Fire Iron Sight
1st. -- JimP.
2nd. -- Mr. Completely (only 4 points behind!)
3rd. -- "Evil Al"
Look where KeeWee placed! Not to bad for a first season shooter!
I keep claiming that it was due to a combination of outstanding gunsmithing and coaching, but no one seems to be buying it.....
Whoo Hoo!!! this sure was a huge surprise.I did not think my shooting had been all that good this year.
Congrats to both of you!!! :)
Kudos! Now prepare to take your act on the road and come down here for the demo, in March. I'm going to the Board Meeting tonight to try to get us a March date.
Hey Mikee,
what were the rest of the standings in like AA & Revolver. There's nothing posted on the website, and it looks to be defunct since September.
LouG: I only had a quick look at the results, as they didn't make it into the newsletter, but were on the CWSA bulletin board. If I remember, Al won both Centerfire AA, and revolver. I think Kelvin won the A class.
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