CWSA Pin Shoot News

Well, the first CWSA bowling pin shoot is scheduled for Saturday, March 10th. starting at 9am. In addition to the regular classes, we will be trying out the new "Big Bore Revolver" class for the first time to see how it works out and how much interest it develops. So far it looks like it's going to be a popular class, with a lot of interest being shown.
We are also going to try something a little bit different in qualifying compared to the other classes for the Big Bore Revolver class. Instead of shooting four qualifying tables and adding your three best times, you will shoot only two tables and use your best table time for determining your first round opponent. This should not only speed up qualifying, it should also reduce the scorer's workload. I think it will result in approximately the same first round matchups. We'll give it a try and see how it goes.
Here's a basic summary of the Big Bore Revolver rules that we are going to try.
If you are considering giving the CWSA Big Bore Class a try and have never shot a CWSA pin shoot before, you may have some questions regarding ammo, range requirements, and so forth. Leave a comment or send me an email and I'll get your questions answered.
Man, that 480 is massive!
WOW ! Looks like my 44 may just be one of the babies of the class!
Considering how just ONE "hogleg" shooter in my Spring Pin-Shoot last year chewed up all of the reserves of pins, how are you planning to handle increasing the pin supply? My guess is that if you have such a class of hogleg shooters, you will go through 3X number of pins at each shoot.
RD: I suspect that the rate of pin destruction will decline after a match or two when shooters find out that loads hotter than just enough to get the pin off the table slow you way down since you have to pull the gun back down a longer distance to acquire the next target. On top of that, if you blow the pin in half, you have to shoot BOTH halves off the table, and half-round pins don't roll very well!
..... Mr. C.
Go ahead and email me the complete rules for the match, and the address.
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