Bowling Pin Table for Indoor Pin Shoots

I've put together a drawing of a proposed bowling pin table for use at indoor ranges for bowling pin matches.
Shooting pins indoors requires making a few changes in the way it's set up, as the tables need to be portable, and dis-mantleable without major effort.
Consideration has to also be given to the possibility of a ricochet from a pin on it's side going up into the range ceiling. With this table design, a pin cannot lie on it's side, as the table is too narrow. The pin will just fall off if it's knocked over.
That means that all you have to do is hit the pin solidly enough to knock it over, and gravity will do the rest. You can expect some REALLY fast times!
Jacketed bullets should be avoided, as they can, and will, bounce back off the pin!
Of course, the setup would also work fine outdoors, when a portable setup is needed, so you can use a range that is not dedicated only to bowling pins.
I do not have this drawing hosted for download, but it's a fairly small Adobe Acrobat PDF file, and if you send me an email requesting it, I'll email it your way.
The drawing is a proposed design that may end up being modified after we've built one and done some testing, so be advised that liability wise, you are on your own! BE CAREFUL!
For a basic set of pin shoot match rules, check over on the right side bar.
Hey, Mr. C!
I just finished shooting your "Seeing Spots" target, outside in the chill and wind.
Shot in worse, however, let me add:
Ooops! I meant to say it was a challenging shoot.
Wait, I mean
I owe you one, bro! ;)
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