Rimfire Roundup #6
Welcome all, to this week's Rimfire Roundup. This week's Roundup features all handguns, along with a well written introduction to .22 ammunition, and a rimfire resource you may not know about.
Let's get started!
First up, Mike at Feces Flinging Monkey has a great post titled In Praise Of The Single Six Revolver (And A Kind Word For The Colibri .22).
"I was recently smart enough to acquire my first Ruger Single Six revolver. Have you got yours yet? No? Well, go get one now. You may not realize it, but you need this gun."
Not to be outdone by gorgeous handguns, Dan at Life In The Great Midwest has a Smith and Wesson Model 17-3 Range Report and several small posts with excellent pictures on his 17-3.
Does Dan like his 17-3? "I purchased this revolver last summer and I gotta tell you, it is an absolute dream." I think he likes it!
Mor links on Dan's Smith & Wesson model 17-3 are HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE!

Denise at The Ten Ring has a discussion of "Mouse Guns", small handguns that shoot low-powered rounds and are small enough to be covered with a hand. Her favorite "Mouse Gun" is the Beretta 21A. It's small ,well made, and reliable. Here's the whole post.
Kim over at The Other Side of Kim waxes nostalgic for the Beretta Model 75 in .22 Long Rifle.
"My mother owned one back in South Africa, and it’s the one with which I learned to shoot handguns.
I love this gun. That swooping triggerguard, the streamlined look and the elegant barrel just get me where it counts. I don’t even care how well it shoots (although it’s excellent)—it just looks wonderful."
Here's his entire post.
In a different direction, Mr. Completely has a post of the Browning Buckmark .22 pistol, all set up as a rimfire race gun!
Fug at Fugger Nutter has posted a well written introduction to .22 Rimfire Ammunition. It is written so that someone who does not know a lot about rimfire ammunition and concepts can understand all the fundamentals - however even some folks who have been shooting .22's awhile may learn a little from it. Check it out!

And last but not least, here's Rimfire Central, a forum where you can find out about, and discuss all sorts of rimfire topics. Lots of good info available there, it's well worth a visit!
That's it for this week! Don't forget, bloggers, if you want to get your rimfire posts into next week's Rimfire Roundup, be sure to email them in by next Tuesday night at the latest. Put "Rimfire Roundup" in the email title, and mail them in to
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