e-Postal Match - Airguns

Xavier at Xavier Thoughts has done some recent posts on air pistols, and OXEN at Ox Rants is planning to send in an entry too.
Mr. Completely, having gone hog wild and spent $19.95 plus tax for a brand new air pistol, is confident that he will place well.
If you have an air pistol kicking around, drag it out to the back yard or down to the basement and shoot some targets for the "VORTEX" e-Postal match.
Excuses that won't work:
1. Can't afford ammo.
2. Too far to drive to the range.
3. Can't handle the recoil.
The rules and to down load targets, click on the link at the very top of this page.
Have Fun!
Would I be able to use an airsoft gun to compete in the air pistol class? Technically, it is being driven by air, but uses a different projectile and is a ton more accurate than my Crossman pistols.
Your Airsoft will cringe in fear of my mighty Westlake........
.....Mr. C.
Mr. Completely,
I would extremely interested in an air rifle postal match. Many people can shoot rifles in their own homes or switch to their backyards, in consideration of range.
Just an idea.
Best regards,
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