e-Postal Handgun/Airgun Match "Killiards"

This month's handgun match "Killiards", is a real challenge. The object is to hit each billiard ball once, and if possible, hit it's center ring for a bonus point.
A while back we did a rifle Killiards, so now it's a good time to try it out with handguns.
This "Killiards" has five classes. Depending on the number of entries, sub-classes may also be recognized. I have added an air pistol and an air rifle class, so you can shoot this match in your basement or back yard, if you prefer.
UPDATE: If there are three or more black powder handgunners out there that are willing to enter, I'll create a class just for them. If you'd like to shoot it with your black powder handgun, leave a comment, or drop me an email.
TARGET: The same target is used in all classes.
The target can be downloaded from here:
It is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. There are two choices, number 20001.pdf (in color), or 20003.pdf (in black and white). You can use whichever one you prefer.
CLASS ONE: Rim fire. Any rimfire handgun with no more than a 12" barrel, any sight.
CLASS TWO: Center fire. Any centerfire (non-revolver) handgun with no more than a 12" barrel, any sight.
CLASS THREE: Revolver. Any revolver with no more than a 12" barrel, any sight.
CLASS FOUR: Air Pistol: Any air or spring powered pistol, any sight.
CLASS FIVE: Air Rifle: Any air or spring powered rifle, any sight.
No paint ball guns!
DISTANCE - All Classes: 25 feet, or Ten yards, which ever is available at your range.
FIRST TARGET SHOOTING POSITION: Standing, un-supported, off-hand, one or two hands on gun permitted.
SECOND TARGET SHOOTING POSITION: Any shooting position - bench rest allowed. No gun vises or clamps. We are testing your skills, not the guns!
PROCEDURE: Fifteen shots at the first target, un-supported. Fifteen shots at the second target, support permitted.
SCORING: In each class you are allowed fifteen shots at each target, thirty shots total. Hitting the ball counts as one point. Hitting the center ring gives you a bonus point. Each ball can only be counted once, no matter how many times you shoot it. Touching the black counts as a hit. Each target has a perfect score of 15 hits plus 15 bonus points, for 30 points. The maximum match entry score is 60 points.
Ties will be decided based on the un-supported target score. If it's still tied, it will be posted as a tie. You can shoot the match more than once if you don't like your score and want to try again.
Mark your score on each target with a legible felt pen, along with the class and type of gun used. Don't write your name on the target, only the name you want to appear in the results, as your target may get posted on Mr. Completely.
STRATEGY: This one's simple. Hit all the bulls!
MULTIPLE ENTRIES: You can enter more than once, in fact, it is encouraged. Shoot everything you own, and everything you can borrow! Take a buddy to the range, get him entered, then borrow his gun and enter that! The only restriction is that you can only enter once for any given gun, in any individual Class.
Different calibers in the same gun count as one gun. For example, .38SPL and .357MAG are considered as one, as would be .44SPL and .44MAG. Different guns of the same caliber and barrel length can be entered. A .22 conversion on a .45 frame counts as a second gun, so you can take off the conversion and shoot the .45 too.
PRIZES: Nope, it's just for the fun of it and the bragging rights!
SUBMITTING YOUR ENTRY: Take a digital photo of, (or scan) your targets, and email the picture, along with:
1. Your score for each target page and the total of both pages.
2. The name(s) you want used when we post the results
3. Gun description - Brand, model, semi-auto, revolver, black powder, caliber, barrel length, and type of sights
4. Class: Class One, Class Two, or Class Three, Class Four, or Class Five.
5. Anything interesting or unique about your entry that other shooters might enjoy hearing about.
Email it all to b l o g (at) w h i d b e y (dot) c o m
Please put "Killiards Entry" in the email title so it goes into the correct mailbox!
If you can't scan or send target pictures, send everything else to me in an email, and we'll arrange for either fax or snail mail for the targets.
If you have a blog or a website, you can post the target pictures on your site, then email me the rest of the information (items 1 through 5 above) excluding the pictures.
Be sure to include the URL for your website pictures.
This works well, saves some email bandwidth, and helps to publicise the matches.
The rules are subject to revision as needed, should the need arise.
All entries must be received by Midnight on Monday, April 24th, and results will be posted within seven days, or less.
If you have any questions, leave the question in the comments to this post, or send me an email, or both.
Have fun!!
Mr. Completely,
Count me in. Thanks for adding the class. Hopefully I'm not the only moron firing an air rifle at midnight on Saturday.
Best regards,
just for the heck of it - I'm gonna enter a target shot with a single 3" shotgun shell.
As well as with all of my handguns and air rifles.
When entering with a shotgun, you must limit each shell to no more than 15 pellets, or 30 pellets in a single shell and shoot both targets side by side at the same time with one shot......
......Mr. C.
Looks like the moons and stars might actually align to allow me to shoot a e-postal match, finally (again)!!!
I'll be shooting it next week, probably on Wednsday. Haven't been to the range in some time, so I do look forward to it.
Mr. C,
I look Forward to attempting to move up the list this time.. oh by the way the Mark II no-longer has the 2x Leapold on it. The Ruger now proudly sports an ATN Red Dot. We shall see if it helps.
My post is up, Mr.C - not a great score, but I did have fun!
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