CWSA Pin Range Work Party
Last Saturday we had a work party at the Central Whidbey Sportsman's Association range to tear down and rebuild the roof over the pin tables. The 2x6's and plywood were getting to be in poor condition and it wasn't going to be too long until the whole thing collapsed.

I don't have any pictures of the first part of the work party as KeeWee, who took these pictures, was in Oak Harbor shopping.
The first part of the project was to dismantle the old roof. The 2x6's across the front all needed to be replaced with new ones to hold the front of the roof.
After the old roof was removed, we dug back into the berm and created a shelf, of sorts. Once the shelf was dug, we man-handled railroad ties up the berm and put them onto the shelf to be the new supports for the rear of the roof.
The first part of the project was to dismantle the old roof. The 2x6's across the front all needed to be replaced with new ones to hold the front of the roof.
After the old roof was removed, we dug back into the berm and created a shelf, of sorts. Once the shelf was dug, we man-handled railroad ties up the berm and put them onto the shelf to be the new supports for the rear of the roof.
With the ties in place and secured with sections of rebar driven into the berm, we were then ready to place the channel and angle iron "Roof Beams" in place.
Once a piece of steel was in place, it was driven into the berm with a sledge hammer, then bolted into the railroad tie.
Mike, Mr. C., Jim, and Randy lifting a sheet of plywood up to the roof. Those sheets are heavy! Fortunately there was no wind blowing.....
The plywood sheets were deck screwed down so the wind won't blow them off. That also makes it a whole lot easier to get them off to replace them in the future.
Once everything was in place and screwed down securely, all that remained was to cut off the excess steel. Chris, Jim, and Randy took turns sawing, as it took a while to get everything sawed off. We didn't happen to have a cutting torch on hand.
We started at 10am., and we were cleaning up and putting everything away in early afternoon. The new roof should hold up for many years with only minor maintenance. The old wood went onto the burn pile right behind the pin range, and the next day at the falling plate match the big bonfire was really welcome, as the nice weather we had for the work party had disappeared and it was rainy and cold for the plate shoot.
Thanks to all the guys who turned out to get the roof replaced. With all your help and expertise it was finished in no time, and it sure looks a whole lot better than it did!
We started at 10am., and we were cleaning up and putting everything away in early afternoon. The new roof should hold up for many years with only minor maintenance. The old wood went onto the burn pile right behind the pin range, and the next day at the falling plate match the big bonfire was really welcome, as the nice weather we had for the work party had disappeared and it was rainy and cold for the plate shoot.
Thanks to all the guys who turned out to get the roof replaced. With all your help and expertise it was finished in no time, and it sure looks a whole lot better than it did!
Thanks, guys!!
Heeee Heee Heee, GOOD Pics!~ Actually from start to end time was 3 1/2 hrs! Not too bad for a bunch of seniors for the most part!
Nice job!
Our work party for our outdoor shoot is tonight. Mowing, hammering, new target backs for the stands, etc...
So I must be going.
Happy shooting, y'all!
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