Boeing Rifle & Pistol Club Meeting

In trying to put together a good presentation for the Boeing Rifle and Pistol club on March 1st., I realized that just about every pin shoot picture I have is digital.
Trying to print out a big stack of pic's can be a pain, so I decided to put everything into a PowerPoint presentation instead. That way I can take my laptop and hook it up to a projector that the club has the use of. Much better than passing around a stack of photos!
So I put in a picture here and a picture there, and the project, like most projects, started to grow. I stopped counting somewhere around fifty slides! Even KeeWee thinks it came out pretty good, although she's biased!
Anyhow, the meeting is on March 1st. at 6:30 across from the Museum of Flight in South Seattle.
A few of us will be having dinner at Randy's Restaurant next to the Museum of Flight at 5pm. You are all welcome to attend both at dinner, and at the meeting.
Hope you can make it!
Not coming to the DRRC Speed Pin shoot?
Good thing someone proof-reads this thing!
The Boeing mtg is on the 1st.!!
The Pin shoot on the 11th.
.......Mr. C.
Hey, was there someone I could tag along with? Boeing and guns, it's got to be done.
I wish I lived closer.
In case you ever do have to print out a bunch of pictures from digital, I discovered something quite convenient. Go into WalMart's Photo Center website and transfer the pictures to your local store, whatever size you want and - like magic, they're there waiting for you to pick up.
They're also very inexpensive.
Have fun on the 1st.
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