Time To Be Thankful For Our Blessings

However, there is one thing that stands high on my list. I am eternally thankful that there are still people like Dan McKown here in the United States.
If Dan's name doesn't quite ring a bell, let me jog your memory. Yesterday in a mall in Tacoma, Washington, a drugged up nut case walked into a crowded shopping mall with a rifle and a handgun, intending to shoot as many people as possible.
Not all of the details are clear, but Dan took it on himself to put his life at risk, and nearly paid the ultimate price in attempting to get this loser stopped. Dan took this heroic step to protect total strangers.
Unfortunately, Dan ended up taking three or four 9mm's at point blank range. The druggie then fired a few more rounds into the crowd, but fortunately no one was seriously injured.
After a hostage situation in a mall music store, the slime ball was finally taken into custody.
As I write this, Dan is in an induced coma, and has had several operations. He may never walk again.
Dan didn't take this risk for money, or for publicity, but because he knew it was the right thing to do.
Thank God that we still have people in this country who are willing step up to the plate, put their life on the line if need be, and know that regardless of the risk, it was the right thing to do.
That's something for which we can all be mightily thankful.
Thank you, Dan, for reminding us that men like you still exist, sometimes we forget........
FOLLOWUP: A fund has been established to help the family pay for Dan's medical bills.
You can donate to any Bank of America branch to the "Dan McKown Medical Fund"
Great post MR. C.
We all have much to be greatful for, including people like Dan.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Mr. C.
Hate to be the Thanksgiving Grinch, but imagine how much more thankful we could have been if Dan had been armed, and had taken Maldonado out.
According to the media, Dan was armed, but for whatever reasonn he was not able to 'take that slime ball out'
Our prayers are with Dan.
RD: Dan WAS armed, and in the reports so far, one of the shots hit him in the right elbow. It's only speculation, but that may have caused him to involuntarily drop his weapon. Who fired first, we don't know yet. I suspect that had he not been shot in the elbow, the outcome would have been completely different, and the creep would be in the morgue, instead of jail.
Thank you for this post Mr. C. All of us pro gun bloggers need to follow these stories, and keep them from getting drowned out.
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