Smith & Wesson SW9VE

Smith & Wesson SW9VE
James Rummel has a review and range test of the Smith & Wesson SW9VE over at Shooter's Carnival. For the whole story, go here and have a look.
I had one of the early 9mm. Sigma's and couldn't get used to the trigger pull. If you are considering buying one of these, be sure to try it on the range first, but maybe it was just me.......
Not surprising since the trigger pull is 11#+, and the pull on your race guns is less than 3#.
I bought this gun brand new; started cleaning it, and my spring broke. I was snapping my pin/spring back into place and the spring luanched from the pin and I can not figure out how to get the spring on the pin. I've never fired the gun, only disassebled it for cleaning.
It's been a while since I owned one of these, and I don't remember the details of reassembly.
..... Mr. C.
It's been the best and most accurate handgun I owned. I don't think it gets the credit it deserves for the money. At first I was hesitant to even buy another S&W since I owned a 22 pistol that was nothing but trouble. I have the SW9VE and have fired well over 500 rounds through it with two jams. But after you get use to the trigger pull which I found not to be a problem after a couple of firings.
I'm looking for an ITP holster for my SW9VE. Preferably leather but will consider all. Can anyone recommend a few holsters for this weapon?
I just bought this gun and shot 150 rounds through it yesterday. It was nice and smooth and the accuracy was great. Everyone says that the pull on the trigger is too heavy (9-11 lbs) but if you are having trouble squeezing that then maybe you are not strong enough to have a gun. Also since the safety is internal (the trigger mechanism) i think it is safer to have a heavy pull. But if it is really too heavy for you you can take it to a good gunsmith and they can loosen it up for you. overall this is a great gun for the price so far.Oh and the holster that i use is a bianchi, got it for 10 bucks and works great you can go more expensive bianchi has many you can choose from.
I bought the Smith and Wession 9VE several months ago and couldn't be happier. The gun feels great just holding it and shoots smoothly. I have had no jams and fine accuracy. Pointing this gun at a target is as easy as pointing your finger. I have owned Glocks and Rugers. This gun is as well made as those and is a keeper.
this 9VE has went back to S/W for repair. After 200 rds or so and a couple cleanings, the trigger is still gritty as when bought new. There is not to be a grit feeling when pulling on the trigger. It also started jamming and the shop where we buy our weapons agree this is truely a bad situation for us. I believe there is something wrong with the mag too. Before I go any further, it went back and if it doesn't get fixed, it's down the road. This is a LOW END hand gun people and don't let it hurt you. Your gun should NEVER, EVER fail like this. Jam missfire and just hard to pull. Crap like this can kill you.
I bought the 9mm in the survival kit for 379.00 so that my wife would have a little something in the house while I was deployed to Southwest Asia. I am a police officer so you can imagine the different types of rounds that I have laying around the house. I took her to the range (the gun, not the wife) and put her through the ringer. I fired both ball ammo and hollow point duty ammo in 115 grn, 124 grn and 147 grn with absolutely no failures. Although the trigger pull was stiff, it was relatively smooth and consistant. I can honestly say that it was pretty accurate. I like the feel of the gun. My only complaint is that the rails under the slide are an odd size so my light won't fit it. Over all I think that it is an excellent weapon for the price.
I purchased my Sigma 9VE in Oct. 2010 and elected the two free mags (16 RD) instead of the $50.00 rebate. At first I was just looking for a new firearm to entertain myself at the range with but since obtaining it I have replaced my daily carry (a 9mm Browning BDM) with it. The trigger pull at first was a bit to get used to, heavier than any other handgun I own so I set out and modified it easily and reduced trigger pull significantly which had no impact on performance or reliability. Just yesterday I was plugging away at 75' with comp. stance at a 10x10 target and almost everything was within spread except those I missed due to rapid douple taps on two mags. This firearm is fantastic and for the price it's GREAT! Small wonder S&W got the Border Patrol and various other global contracts with the inception of this pistol. Was never really a Smith Wesson fan, but this weapon is easy and simple to take down, is secure striker fired and reliable. In the almost 6 months I've owned it I have never had even one FTF or ejection issue and at the count of well over 6K rounds I'm wondering if I ever will. This gun has worn in well and is accurate at well over average incident/confrontation ranges and I love having it it my hand as it's a natural extension which seems to be what S&W was aiming for - pun intended. Good gun, good price, reliable from a long standing manufacturer, free clips or a rebate - sheesh! I think I'll go buy another for double weilding, lol! Check 'em out.
What's the difference between the sigma 9ve and the sd9ve. Are they they the same size, holster wise
Great gun. Very accurate. Around 200 rounds in , it will start jamming. But once you clean it , it will be ready again. Very reliable piece. Absolutely love it more than most guns i have owned. I think its very well balanced and easy to shoot. Recoil is minimal next to none. Love love love my Sigma!
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