Sunday, August 08, 2010

New e-Postal Match is Underway!

I  apologise for getting this notice up late, but I've been running as fast as I can trying to keep up on everything, but not always successfully...

Anyhow, this month's e-Postal match is underway over at Curtis Lowe's blog, so go print out the targets and a copy of the rules, grab lots of stuff to shoot and lots of ammo, and head on out to the range. In fact, drag along your buddy and his guns too, and shoot them too! Last month's entry numbers were down a bit, so lets pick it up a bit this month!

Here's where you need to click to be transported, almost as if by magic, to where you need to go!

Be safe, and have fun! Did I mention that bowling pins are involved? Well, bowling pin targets, anyway.......



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