Friday, April 11, 2008

Gun Blogger Rendezvous Star Attractions!

Well, I don't know about "Star Attractions", but perhaps the main reason to attend the Gun Blogger Rendezvous AKA GBR-III, is to meet and hang out with some absolutely amazing folks. Of course, spending an entire day at a fabulous range shooting all sorts of interesting stuff is a big draw, too.

So who's going to be there, you ask?

Here's a partial list, and new names will be added as we get closer to the Rendezvous. It's still a ways off.

Planning to Attend:

KeeWee, from KeeWee's Corner

Phil & David, from Random Nuclear Strikes

US Citizen, from Traction Control

Ride Fast & the Commandress, from Ride Fast - Shoot Straight

Sebastian, from Snowflakes in Hell

Lou from Mad Gun

Kevin from The Smallest Minority

Dirt Crashr, from Anthroblogogy

Chris & Mel Byrne, from The Anarchangel

Uncle, From Say Uncle

Larry Weeks, from Brownell's

and, of course, me.....

Gonna Try/Not sure yet:

Countertop, from Countertop Chronicles

Glen Caroline, from the NRA

Ashley Varner, from the NRA

Ahab, from Call Me Ahab

Stickwick & Carnaby, from Carnaby Fudge

Joe Huffman, from The View from North Central Idaho

Retired Geezer & Mrs. Geezer, from Blog Idaho

Mr. & Mrs. BillH, from Free in Idaho

Mr. & Mrs. JimmyB, the Conservative UAW Guy

Murdoc, from Murdoc Online

I was talking to the folks at the Circus Circus in Reno ,where we have the Rendezvous, and it turns out that the big Reno Italian Street Fair will be underway the same time that were there for the Rondy. The street fair will be right outside the Circus Circus's door! They close down several blocks of the street to set up the street fair booths. That could be a lot of fun for the folks not wanting to spend all day Saturday out at the range shooting.

Anyhow, get your room reservations and Rendezvous Registrations sent in right away. If you are flying to Reno, book early, as there are a limited number of flights in and out of Reno each day, and you don't want to end up on the 'Red Eye', if they even have one.......



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