Rendezvous - Who's Gonna Be There......

Here's a partial list of some of the blogs and companies planning to attend the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. If you are planning to attend and I've missed mentioning you, please let me know so I can get you added to the list.
These are in no particular order, and more will be added to this list, but here's some of the folks you will get to meet at the Rendezvous:
These are in no particular order, and more will be added to this list, but here's some of the folks you will get to meet at the Rendezvous:
Mr. Completely
KeeWee's Corner
The Conservative UAW Guy
Jason's Blog
Traction Control
Random Nuclear Strikes
The Other Side of Kim
The Anarchangel
The Smallest Minority
Castle Arrgghhh!
The View from the Porch
Ride Fast Shoot Straight
MKS Supply
Blog Idaho
Thanks, and we'll see you in Reno!
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