Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Latest Blogger Rendezvous News

Things are moving along nicely for the Blogger Rendezvous in Reno this Fall, although there are a zillion details to be worked out.

The way it works is that you will arrange for your accommodations directly with the Circus Circus, and there will be a group rate for the rooms. More on this procedure in the very near future.

The dinner on Saturday night, and the hospitality "Meet-and-Greet" hangout rooms on Friday and Saturday nights will be paid separately, directly to me, then I send the money to the hotel in one check to cover it.

I have made arrangements with a local escrow company to set up an escrow account for your checks for safe keeping. (That way you don't have to worry about me spending it on guns!)

It looks like the dinner menu will be a choice (you have to choose when you register) of either a full prime rib dinner, or a salmon dinner with all the usual stuff you'd expect.

It looks like the room rate will be $89 per night double occupancy, and the dinner and the hospitality rooms for two nights will run $50 per person, or there abouts.


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