e-Postal "Head Shot" Entries
I just got back from the rimfire range where I shot a couple of targets for the e-Postal match "Head Shot". Although a .22 rifle isn't the best home protection weapon you could want, in years past when the threat level was low, I kept my Winchester Model 62-A pump close at hand, just in case.

With a .22 you don't have too much stopping power, so you have to hit the bad guy lots of times and do it accurately and quickly if you want to convince him to change his plans. The tubular magazine holds 13 rounds, so that's what I loaded up and started with.
Since I hadn't shot the 62-A in some time, I couldn't remember what distance it was sighted in for, so I took one "sighter" shot, and it was close enough. I topped up the magazine, and pumped all thirteen rounds into the target as fast as I could sight and shoot, without using any support.
I didn't have the timer on, but it was approximately one shot a second, or maybe a little faster. Final score was 130/130, with 11 of the 13 in the X ring.

The last three shots weren't as close as the first seven as a hot casing had managed to find it's way inside of my glasses and was burning my cheek! For some reason cheap Federal ammo does that to me, and no other brand. Strange!
Final score for the ten shots turned out to be 85/100 with 5 in the x ring, total elapsed time 3.3 seconds. Great fun!
You've still got time to get out to the range and get your entries in, since it closes Monday night.
I'm going to try to get to the range later this afternoon and shoot some larger caliber rifles....
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