Monday, May 19, 2014


Got this from a shooter in Texas, but it could happen anywhere.

TAGGING GUN OWNERS VEHICLES  WARNING While I was in a Texas gun store today, my car was tagged on the wheel in the ...parking lot. The gangs do this on wheels or bumpers at gun stores, shooting ranges, gun shows etc. Later when you are parked at a restaurant, hotel, or other location that's less well
guarded or under video surveillance, other gang members spot the marker and break into the car for a quick gun grab.

This is so RAMPANT in San Antonio where we were for a National shoot this summer, the Sheriff of Bexar County came out to brief the 400 participants of our competition. Too bad three teams had already been victimized the first day. This is the first I've heard of this in Texas. Please pass this info along to your 2nd amendment list. Daily check your car, truck or motor home for unusual painted dots, marks, check marks or other strange looking symbols that are not normal to your type vehicle. It could prevent you from being a victim of robbery, or even save your life if you catch the thief in the act.


  1. Oy vay!!

  2. Hey, Mike, the reg form on the GBR site is for last year. Do we have anything more current, or am I missing something?
