Monday, April 21, 2014

Yep, I'm back, more or less......

It's been an interesting three plus weeks, to say the least! About two or three days agao I finally turned the corner and started to show progress in recovery. I'm still really weak and get itred out easily, but each day of the last three has shown noticeable improvement. I can now walk around a bit, and get in and out of bed unassisted. We went to the surgeon this morning and had the incisions checked over, and everything is healing up well. Thanks to everyone who emailed or commented with best wishes. That meant a lot when I was at the really low points in this adventure.



  1. Best wishes for a rapid and complete recovery, Mike!

  2. We've been on pins and needles. We are overjoyed to see you are getting back on your feet.

  3. You ARE back, since you are able to post again! Glad to see it!


  4. I still have that cold, so I can't come over for a while yet. I sent three dancing girls over to cheer you up, I hope they made it!
