Hi-Point Donates New Carbine to Rendezvous

Charlie Brown, the head guy over at MKS Supply/Charter Arms/Hi-Point, has donated a brand new Hi-Point 9mm. carbine to the raffle at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. The below picture is of the YET UN-ANNOUNCED new Hi-Point carbine! Official announcement will be around the end of the month, but Charlie has said that I can blog about it even before it is officially announced to the media.
Charlie did give me a little more advance info though, as after the 9mm. is rolled out, a .40 caliber version will not be too far behind. Even more exciting, though, is that they are looking into a version in .45ACP! How cool is that! I WANT ONE..............
Labels: GBR-IV
Wow! Bloggers-1 v.s Media Establishment-0!
Wow, that thing is disgustingly ugly.
I want it. Badly.
*needs to start getting in touch with a GBR attendee to set up some kind of proxy ticket-buying...*
Doubt if the 9mm version will cause me to ditch the Keltec Sub2000, but, if it comes out in .45 ACP all bets are off. Are you listening, Mr.Kelgren?
My check for GBR-IV went in the mail Friday...
Oh my...
I didn't think they could make their carbines any uglier than my .40 - wow was I wrong.
Ugly, that one is a might bit prettier than their old stock. I had to replace mine with the ATI. With this coming out, I may have to spend $250. Can we say his and hers?
dont be haters.i like it.its low cost and will keep up with most any of your big dollar guns.
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