Mr. C's Match Schedule - "On The Road Again..."

As most of you who wander through here every so often know, KeeWee and I really enjoy getting out on the road and visiting different clubs and shooting their matches. You meet the nicest folks at the matches, and we've made lots of new friends in our travels. Our little "Mini-RV" works well for us as it's fairly reasonable in fuel consumption and quite comfortable as an economical place to stay. Not only that, as long as there's a rest area or a Walmart nearby, we don't have to worry about seeing No Vacancy signs!
The question has come up as to which matches I'm planning on shooting for the next few months and where they will be held. Here's a short summary of upcoming events:
September 6th and 7th (Saturday & Sunday)
GSSF Glock Regional Classic at the Kitsap Rifle & Revolver Club in Bremerton, Washington. I plan to help as a Range Officer on Saturday, shoot the match Sunday morning, and RO the rest of the day on Sunday.
September 13th (Saturday)
Kitsap Rifle & Revolver Club's Fun Steel match
September 21st (Sunday)
Paul Bunyan Club's Steel Match in Puyallup, WA. (Maybe - Hope to make it)
September 26th, 27th, & 28th (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday)
Steel Challenge NW Regional Championships in Albany, Oregon. Plans are to shoot the match on Friday, take off on Saturday, do some sight-seeing, camp somewhere Saturday night, then return on Sunday to find out the results.
October 9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday)
Gun Blogger Rendezvous at the Circus Circus in Reno, Nevada. Hope to see you there!!
Labels: Matches, Steel Challenge
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