e-Postal Match Results are in!

It's great to see such a good turn-out for the match, they seem to be growing every month. This month's match was a toughie, as for many of us some of the circles were so small that they couldn't be seen, and you had to aim in the general area where you thought they were, and hope for the best!
This month we have our first international class winner, with Leon from Armes et tir passion winning the centerfire iron sight class with a SIG p-220. Good shooting Leon! That should throw down the gauntlet for the Canadians, South Africans, Aussies, and shooters from all over the world to join in on the fun! The more the merrier!
Next month's match will be hosted by Carnaby Fudge, will be announced in the next few days, and I'm sure he'll come up with something to test us all. As soon as it's announced, I'll get a link up to it here on Mr. Completely.
If you haven't entered one of these before, it's time to give it a try!
Labels: e-Postal Matches
You're not kidding about them being hard to see. I wish I had gotten my prescription checked before doing that one. The last few circles were just a blur.
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