I happen to know that a fair number of you out there "didn't arrive on the last turnip truck", so to speak, and remember a lot of these old computers.
My first computer was a TRS-80 Model 1, with all the bells and whistles, expansion interface, dual floppy drives, huge printer, the works. I still have it, and it still works just fine! What was your first computer?
If you've never taken a look around over at http://oldcomputers.net/ , and you find these old dinosaurs as interesting as I do, you should go take a look.
Allow yourself plenty of time, however, as you may be there awhile.......
My first computer was a TRS-80 Model 1, with all the bells and whistles, expansion interface, dual floppy drives, huge printer, the works. I still have it, and it still works just fine! What was your first computer?
If you've never taken a look around over at http://oldcomputers.net/ , and you find these old dinosaurs as interesting as I do, you should go take a look.
Allow yourself plenty of time, however, as you may be there awhile.......
The first computer I ever used was an Apple II. The first computer I ever owned was a 8088 with dual 3.5" floppies (double density, not high density), no hard drive. It had a blue LCD monitor with an output for a CGA monitor (which I also had). I don't remember the manufacturer. Back in the olden days I also frequently used a friend's Commodore 64 with a tape drive. Cool old machines.
First one I owned was a TI 99/4A...
Second one I owned was an Apple IIc... It's also the first one I got a modem for, a speedy 300/1200 baud...
I've got a friend that currently runs a PDP-11 for fun...
Commodore VIC-20 (1982)
Basically just a keyboard with about 5 kb memory. Used a B&W T.V. for monitor and an external (cassette) drive.
Dumped that bad boy pronto!
First I used was in the Air Force in 1981; it was a PLS with black and white monitor. It did file storage, messaging, and also computed direction-finding requests. When I came back to the States (1983), I bought a Commodore 64, tape drive, and 300 baud modem. I kept that until '88 when I got my first PC, a Packard Bell 386. I've still got two junk PCs and a laptop sitting around the house, besides my Dell.
First used was a TRS-80 Model 1, just like the one pictured. The first one we owned as a Timex Sinclair ZX-81 (what a POS!), after it literally blew up we got an Atari 800.
Also, I have the original magazine draft and hardware from Steve Ciarcia's Byte article on the COMM-80 serial/parallel interface for the TRS-80 (he was cleaning out his attic a few years back).
I've been told I shouldn't admit this, but my first computer was a Timex-Sinclair Z-80.
The next was an Apple IIGS. I've hated Apple ever since...
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