Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SHOT SHOW Day 1 - Post 1

Well, 4 AM came very early this morning, but, in spite of everything I am now in the press room at the shot show. I was so tired at the airport in Seattle after the long shuttle bus ride from Whidbey Island that I almost fell asleep waiting for the flight. Fortunately, I woke up about 20 minutes before departure. The flight from Seattle to Las Vegas was on a very new Boeing 737 – 900 ER. The seats were unusually comfortable for as small as they are, and there was even a bit more legroom than you would expect. The shuttle ride from the Las Vegas airport to the hotel took almost 45 minutes, but eventually, I arrived.

 After checking into the hotel, I headed straight to the show. To get here I have to walk through a couple of different hotels and make a number of turns and every year on the first day of the show I get lost at least once! Now that I am here in the press room and I have the netbook running I can check emails and put up a post or so, while drinking coffee! The coffee part is important today!

 Tonight at nine there is a gathering of gun bloggers that I would like to attend. I hope I can stay awake until then!

the show does not close for a couple more hours today, so I am going to check my email, refill my coffee cup, and go wander around the show to see what I can see.

 More later..........

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