Sunday, December 01, 2013

Turbo Encabulator - The Original

This video is one of my very favorites. To non-engineer/non-Techie folks it may be a bit less funny, but for the rest of you, a "Coffee Spew/Keyboard Protect" mode is recommended before watching!!

There have been several re-do's of this, but the original is still the best. Supposedly, this was totally ad-libbed as a sound check before filming  the actual promo for a new transmission. Whether or not that's true, it's still brilliant!


  1. Sounds like govt double speak to me... Much sound but NO meaning!


  2. I'm not an engineer or techie. Nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. But I did empty my mouth before viewing and I'm glad I did. Gary

  3. Sounds sort of like the Obamacare program although I bet the Turbo works better.

